Re: xsi:nil problem on repeated marshalling-unmarshalling operations

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:09:40 +0100

Would you please identify the full set of xsd files you've used for
generating the Java classes, and how you did it?

On 3/17/10, boldra <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem if upgrading to JAXB versions > 2.1.9. I think it is
> consequence of this related fix:
> The problem is observed on repeated marshalling/unmarshalling operations:
> Details follow:
> This is the marshalling of an instance of my class MDMetadata (generated
> from schemas at:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gml=""
> xmlns:xlink=""
> xmlns:gmd=""
> xmlns:gco=""
> xmlns:gmx=""
> xmlns:srv=""
> xmlns:gts=""
> xmlns:wrs=""
> xmlns:dct=""
> xmlns:csw=""
> xmlns:apiso=""
> xmlns:gsr=""
> xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0"
> xmlns:ows=""
> xmlns:dc=""
> xmlns:ogc=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> <gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode
> codeList=""
> codeListValue="service"></gmd:MD_ScopeCode>
> </gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:contact xlink:type="simple"/>
> <gmd:dateStamp>
> <gco:Date xsi:nil="true"/>
> </gmd:dateStamp>
> <gmd:identificationInfo xlink:type="simple">
> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification>
> <gmd:citation xlink:type="simple">
> <gmd:CI_Citation>
> <gmd:title>
> <gco:CharacterString>My CSW/ISO</gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:title>
> <gmd:alternateTitle>
> <gco:CharacterString></gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:alternateTitle>
> <gmd:date xlink:type="simple"/>
> </gmd:CI_Citation>
> </gmd:citation>
> <gmd:abstract>
> <gco:CharacterString></gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:abstract>
> <srv:serviceType>
> <gco:LocalName>CSW</gco:LocalName>
> </srv:serviceType>
> <srv:serviceTypeVersion>
> <gco:CharacterString>2.0.2</gco:CharacterString>
> </srv:serviceTypeVersion>
> <srv:couplingType/>
> <srv:containsOperations xlink:type="simple"/>
> </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification>
> </gmd:identificationInfo>
> </gmd:MD_Metadata>
> If I take the above output as input to the unmarshaller, I get back a
> MDMetadata object which has JAXBElement
> identificationInfos->abstractMDIdentification->nil (wrongly IMHO) set to
> true (while the original object had: false). Marshalling again I get in fact
> an unexpected attribute xsi:nil="true" on srv:SV_ServiceIdentification, as
> it is possible to see:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gml=""
> xmlns:xlink=""
> xmlns:gmd=""
> xmlns:gco=""
> xmlns:gmx=""
> xmlns:srv=""
> xmlns:gts=""
> xmlns:wrs=""
> xmlns:dct=""
> xmlns:csw=""
> xmlns:apiso=""
> xmlns:gsr=""
> xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0"
> xmlns:ows=""
> xmlns:dc=""
> xmlns:ogc=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> <gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode
> codeList=""
> codeListValue="service"></gmd:MD_ScopeCode>
> </gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:contact xlink:type="simple"/>
> <gmd:dateStamp>
> <gco:Date xsi:nil="true"/>
> </gmd:dateStamp>
> <gmd:identificationInfo xlink:type="simple">
> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification xsi:nil="true">
> <gmd:citation xlink:type="simple">
> <gmd:CI_Citation>
> <gmd:title>
> <gco:CharacterString>My CSW/ISO</gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:title>
> <gmd:alternateTitle>
> <gco:CharacterString></gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:alternateTitle>
> <gmd:date xlink:type="simple"/>
> </gmd:CI_Citation>
> </gmd:citation>
> <gmd:abstract>
> <gco:CharacterString></gco:CharacterString>
> </gmd:abstract>
> <srv:serviceType>
> <gco:LocalName>CSW</gco:LocalName>
> </srv:serviceType>
> <srv:serviceTypeVersion>
> <gco:CharacterString>2.0.2</gco:CharacterString>
> </srv:serviceTypeVersion>
> <srv:couplingType/>
> <srv:containsOperations xlink:type="simple"/>
> </srv:SV_ServiceIdentification>
> </gmd:identificationInfo>
> </gmd:MD_Metadata>
> This behaviour implies that unmarshalling this last output,
> ServiceIdentification is completely lost in the new Java object, as it
> possible to observe by marshalling again:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <gmd:MD_Metadata xmlns:gml=""
> xmlns:xlink=""
> xmlns:gmd=""
> xmlns:gco=""
> xmlns:gmx=""
> xmlns:srv=""
> xmlns:gts=""
> xmlns:wrs=""
> xmlns:dct=""
> xmlns:csw=""
> xmlns:apiso=""
> xmlns:gsr=""
> xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0"
> xmlns:ows=""
> xmlns:dc=""
> xmlns:ogc=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> <gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:MD_ScopeCode
> codeList=""
> codeListValue="service"></gmd:MD_ScopeCode>
> </gmd:hierarchyLevel>
> <gmd:contact xlink:type="simple"/>
> <gmd:dateStamp>
> <gco:Date xsi:nil="true"/>
> </gmd:dateStamp>
> <gmd:identificationInfo xlink:type="simple">
> <srv:SV_ServiceIdentification xsi:nil="true"/>
> </gmd:identificationInfo>
> </gmd:MD_Metadata>
> Let me know if more details are needed, thanks
> Enrico
> --
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