Re: help - possible unmarshaller bug

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 15:28:18 -0800

This may be unrelated, but I know I had that error in the past whenever the
EOF was on the same line as text. IE: I fixed mine by doing a carriage
return after the last bit of text. Might try it.

On 2/7/07, <> wrote:
> Howdy - I am not understanding this problem. It may be a bug.
> When I execute the following line of code, it fails with the exception
> below:
> [line of code]
> ResponseListContainer = (AppraisalStatusResponses)
> unmarshaller.unmarshal(request.getInputStream());
> [exception output]
> 15:13:24,718 INFO [STDOUT] DefaultValidationEventHandler: [FATAL_ERROR]:
> Premature end of file.
> Location:
> 15:13:26,109 ERROR [STDERR] javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
> - with linked exception:
> [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.]
> 15:13:26,109 ERROR [STDERR] at
> javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException(
> 15:13:26,109 ERROR [STDERR] at
> com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException
> (
> 15:13:26,125 ERROR [STDERR] at
> com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal0(
> 15:13:26,125 ERROR [STDERR] at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runt......
> .
> .
> HOWEVER, when I take the input stream and put it to a stringbuffer, as
> follows, it succeeds.
> StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer();
> int c1;
> InputStream in1 = request.getInputStream();
> while ((c1 = != -1) sb1.append((char) c1);
> String h1 = sb1.toString();
> ResponseListContainer = (AppraisalStatusResponses)
> unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader( sb1.toString() ));
> Why does the unmarshaller fail with an inputStream and succeed with the
> StringBuffer???
> The XML from the input stream looks as follows (This is a copy of the
> variable h1 from above as viewed in the eclipse variables view)
> <AppraisalStatusResponses>
> <AppraisalStatusResponse LoginAccountIdentifier="xxxxx"
> LoginAccountPassword="yyyyy">
> <AccountIdentifier>1274</AccountIdentifier>
> <TransactionID>24566</TransactionID>
> <LenderCaseIdentifier>72613557</LenderCaseIdentifier>
> <ValuationRequestID>1391450</ValuationRequestID>
> <Status>Activated</Status>
> <ProductID>51</ProductID>
> <ProductName>Value View BPO3S3L</ProductName>
> <FinalAppraisedValue/>
> <DueDate>Feb 09 2007 15:13:02AM</DueDate>
> <ReceivedDate>Feb 05 2007 15:13:02AM</ReceivedDate>
> <AssignedDate/>
> <InspectedDate/>
> <InvoiceAmount/>
> <HouseNumber>123</HouseNumber>
> <StreetName>Test St</StreetName>
> <PropertyCity>Layton</PropertyCity>
> <PostalCode>84041</PostalCode>
> <BorrowerName>John Doe</BorrowerName>
> <OnHold>N</OnHold>
> <LenderTrackingCode>xyz1234</LenderTrackingCode>
> <AppraisalDoc/>
> <InvoiceDoc/>
> <Notes>
> <Note>
> <NoteID>8</NoteID>
> <NoteDate>2007-02-07T15:13:02</NoteDate>
> <NoteDescription>Order has been Created.</NoteDescription>
> </Note>
> </Notes>
> <ResultsData>
> <AsIsValue/>
> <AsRepairedValue/>
> <AsOfDate/>
> </ResultsData>
> </AppraisalStatusResponse>
> </AppraisalStatusResponses>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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