Dmitri Colebatch schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I hope this isn't a really stupid question, I'm pretty sure what I'm
> asking is valid but I realise that I'm a somewhat inexperienced maven
> user so am happy to be 'guided' (instructed to RTFM) if that is
> appropriate!
> Who maintains jars and metadata on repo1.maven.org?
repo1 is maintained by the maven team. There are two ways to get
artifacts in there [1]. One can either file an upload request in their
jira [2] or projects which deploy to their own repository can request to
sync this repository to repo1 [2] (as java.net does).
> Specifically,
> there are several releases on repo1, but the meta data isn't up to
> date. The listing of
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/ has:
> 1.0.5/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 1.0.6/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 2.0.1/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 2.0.2/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 2.0.3/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 2.0/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> 2.1.3/ 01-Oct-2007 02:49 -
> 2.1/ 04-Jan-2007 13:18 -
> maven-metadata.xml 28-Jun-2006 17:50 306
> maven-metadata.xml.md5 04-Jan-2007 13:18 82
> maven-metadata.xml.sha1 19-Jul-2006 08:20 137
> but the metadata only contains the following versions:
> <version>2.0</version>
> <version>1.0.6</version>
> <version>1.0.5</version>
> <version>2.0.1</version>
> This means you cant use version ranges with JAXB. Is it possible to fix this?
You should file a bug for that here [3].
> Secondly, http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.1/
> contains the EA version, surely this should be the final release?
There's the same (or at least very similar) issue with a jaxws artifact [4].
Repo1 has a very strict policy of not changing any released artifacts in
the repository. What happend with jaxws is that the wrong artifact was
deployed to the java.net repository and got synced to repo1, after that
instead of deploying a maintenance release they replaced the alreday
deployed artifact in the java.net repository. Because no deployed
artifact ever will change on repo1 it contains the wrong version while
the java.net repo contains the correct one.
The solution was to create a upload request for a 2.1-1 version that
contains the correct artifacts.
> Can someone tell me who is responsbile for keeping this stuff current
> and correct, and what (if anything) can I do to help?
> cheers,
> dim