XJC plugin contributions

From: Mirko Klemm <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 04:03:20 +0100

Dear JAXB team,
To cover additional common JAXB and XJC use cases, I am currently developing and maintaining a set of XJC plugins intended to fill in the gaps of the currently available plugins mentioned on the JAXB commons web site:

The project is currently hosted on github:


Some of the use cases covered by this project (clone, bound properties) are already dealt with in existing XJC plugins, but some of them add runtime dependencies to the API consumer, while others are not implemented in exactly the way I imagined.
If you think this may be useful or worth mentioning on the jaxb commons web site, I’d be glad if you could provide me with additional information on how to contribute.



Mirko Klemm <>
Klemm Software Consulting & Services <>
Hermannstädter Straße 10 • 53119 Bonn • Germany
tel +49 228 2493638 • tel +49 1512 2646381 • fax +49 228 2493637