ANN: additional "locator support" sample for JAXB RI 1.0.1

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 15:34:57 -0700

Here is one more unsupported sample. This example shows how to add the
source location support to the JAXB RI generated classes.

With this, you can access the source line information of each
unmarshaled object. Extract it to the samples directory and see the
document, then run Ant.

Once again, this sample is unsupported and experimental, and we are
interested in the feedback, so please tell us how useful/useless it is.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi                  408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems