Is JAXB treating default and explicit namespace differently

From: Ivan Cheung <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 10:55:42 -0800


I am using jaxb 1.0.4 from jwsdp 1.5 , I have a pretty complicated schema
from ogc

( and was successful using xjc to
generate some java code

I have two issues

Issue 1 Different treatment form explicit name space and default namespace.

I have an instance document , if I use default namespace the deserialization
fail, but if I change the default namespace to non default namespace
(i.e.with a prefix) , jaxb has no problem parsing the xml.

What would cause this problem?

Most of the document I receive will be using default namespace, Is there a
way to work around this problem?

Issue 2 JAXB seems to have problem support several levels of type

When I try to un-marshal some valid xml (checked with xml spy)

I run into an exception,

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unexpected element

when this element is at the right place

I debug into some jaxb generated code in

The private UnmarshallingEventHandler[] handlers instance variable

Has 9 handlers some of them replicate the type hierarchy in the schema
document(see diagram).

I saw handlers[8] was used first, then handlers[7] , then handlers[6] and so

For whatever reason (I suspect a bug) , once handler[5]

was used , it did not pop continue the stack to use handler[4] which will
handle the element

Instead it the control flow form handler[5] entertElement method to
super.enterElement which invoke unexpectedEnterElement method

I know there is a lot of details here, I would like to find out how can get
some support and may be confirm this is a bug.

The online schema as some issue and I have make some local changes so xjc
can generate the code.

I can send you the schema, instance doc for you reproduce the issue.

Thanks for listening.

Ivan Cheung