Duplicate accessors in generated code

From: Hank Ratzesberger <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 17:02:42 -0800

JAXB Users:

The generated code for a project that previously worked under
JWSDP 1.2 contains duplicate methods. It would be simple enough
to remove the duplicates, but perhaps there is a something else
or it is a bug that should be reported. I didn't see anything
just like this in bugzilla. Happy to post it there, but the #
of files is large.

Below is text from the implementation class:

public boolean isSetPos() {
  return _Pos.isModified();

public boolean isSetPos() {
  return _Pos.isModified();


public boolean isSetCoord() {
  return _Coord.isModified();

public boolean isSetCoord() {
  return _Coord.isModified();

This is the element:

<complexType name="EnvelopeType">
  <documentation>Envelope defines an extent using a pair of
    positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions.</documentation>
  <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType">
     <element maxOccurs="2" minOccurs="2" ref="gml:coord">
       <documentation>deprecated with GML
         version 3.0</documentation>
     <element maxOccurs="2" minOccurs="2" ref="gml:pos"/>
     <element ref="gml:coordinates"/>


Replying to a list? I'll get my copy there!

Hank Ratzesberger |
Institute for Crustal Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

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