Re: Problem marshaling <xs:any> element with attributes

From: Anand Navale <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 01:28:03 -0600


Here's the method that creates the ElementSet object and marshals it.

public void testJaxbProcessing() throws Exception, JAXBException {
        ElementSet es = new ElementSet();

        Element e = new Element();
        Data data = new Data();

        Document anyValue = getDOMfromXML(new StringReader("<someData

        JAXBElement<ElementSet> jaxbElem = new JAXBElement<ElementSet>(
                        new QName("", ElementSet.class.getSimpleName()),
                        ElementSet.class, null, es);
        // MARSHALLING
         String esString = marshal(jaxbElem, ElementSet.class.getPackage().getName(), ElementSet.class.getClassLoader());

Anand Navale.

>>> On 5/15/2009 at 11:29 AM, in message
<>, Aleksei Valikov
<> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Thanks for the response. The marshalling code is given below:
> It seems allright. How do you create your object?
> What I'd try is to build a small isolated test. Define a class which
> only contains and @XmlAnyElement property. Create a DOM element with
> an attribute and put it into that property. Marshall and see if it
> works.
> Bye.
> /lexi