IDREF, ID and xjc:idSymbolSpace

From: Kees <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 16:46:17 +0100

I also want a stronger type when working with the ID and IDREF types.
I'm now using "idSymbolSpace" and it seems to work except that it doesn't
take <jxb:class implClass="..."/> into consideration.

My (simplified) scheme is:
 <xs:complexType name="equipment-type">
     <jxb:class implClass="gti.conf.EquipmentType"/>

   <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
       <xjc:idSymbolSpace name="equipment-type-space"/>

 <xs:complexType name="equipment-entity">
     <xs:element name="equipmentType" type="xs:IDREF">
         <xjc:idSymbolSpace name="equipment-type-space"/>

In the method
"public generated.gti.conf.EquipmentType getEquipmentType()" is generated.
I would expect that
"public gti.conf.EquipmentType getEquipmentType()" is generated.

Am I missing something here?

Kees Kuip

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