ANN: JAXB to be placed on

From: Thomas John Kincaid <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:52:57 -0400

Those of you who have been keeping up with the JavaOne news all ready
know this. However, for the rest of you:

Sun will be making the source code for JAXB available on later
this summer. Once this is done, we plan to develop JAXB in an open
source model on Much of the motivation for doing this was a
result of the feedback you provided. After we go to an open source model
for development , we anticipate being able to provide spot patches for
critical issues. We also anticipate getting some assistance from this
community that has formed over the last 6 months.

The details of the license are still be worked out. However, we
anticipate it will be a very non-restrictive license that will be easy
for people who want to use JAXB.

We will be posting more details later. However, I wanted to let this
list which is a great community and has made an excellent contribution
towards making JAXB a success aware of this development.

Thanks so much for using JAXB and all the great feedback you have been
