Re: derived attribute not accepted when validating

From: Thomas Plümpe <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 14:28:03 +0200

> It doesn't inherit the "variable" attribute. When using restriction,
> only those components that are explicitely listed in the derived type
> are carried forward.
This is true for element declarations, model groups, and wildcards. As
per the XML Schema Errata document, it is *not* true for attribute

"However, attribute declarations do not need to be repeated in the
derived type definition; in this example, RestrictedPurchaseOrderType
will inherit the orderDate attribute declaration from

That is, I presume, why the BPEL authors only expressly prohibited the
use of three of the attributes while not reenumerating the optional
ones. Also note that both xsv and xerces accept the instance document as
