Re: External customize

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:01:12 +0100


> My binding.xjb file looks like this:
> <!-- preInstantiable -->
> <jxb:bindings
> node="//xs:complexType[@name='componentAttributesT']//xs:element[@name='proxiedComponent']">
> <jxb:bindings
> node="//xs:attribute[@name='preInstantiable']">

> I was not able to compile with this customization. I guess I am not getting
> the correct xpath.

Try .//xs:attribute[@name='preInstantiable'] (with leading dot). //
means from root, not from the "current" node, so you may get several
nodes, not just one. However in your schema you only has one
attribute, so it should work...
What exactly the error is?
