Kasia Trapszo wrote:
> Why not allow it as a property on the marshaller or something? I can
> see your concern though.
The JAXB RI has a few inner abstractions to connect to various XML APIs,
and if we add a capability to produce PI, comment, etc, we need to amend
But I know this is not a good excuse. Please file an issue for this.
I'll try to fix this after we release 2.1 EA1.
>> If you are feeding this into XSLT, wouldn't it be easier to just
>> use XSLT to generate the PI?
> Yes, that's one route, but it's just easier to keep all this together.
Good to know that at least you have a workaround.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com