> How complicated can a schema be for JaxB v1.0? Should JaxB v1.0 cope
> with any schema that is validated successfully by XMLSpy?
FWIW, my experience of working with XML Schema tells me fairly strongly
that you shouldn't trust XMLSpy when it comes to schema correctness
check. It is *NOT* a fully conforming XML Schema processor, and as a
result it misses some of important errors in your schema.
When you see cryptic tokens such as "s4s-att-not-allowed", please search
XML Schema spec part 1 for the token. Those tokens represent specific
error conditions, and usually there's a link that brings you to the
relevant documentation right in.
Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com