Re: Resolve the schema location from the classpath?

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 09:43:53 +0200


> This is a nice addition to the Maven JAXB plugin! Good work!
> I did notice one glitch when I downloaded the 0.6.1 episode sample -- the
> parent pom version didn't match the version in the b module. Once I changed
> the version the project produced the expected results.

Thanks, I really had 0.6.0 in a couple of places.

> This successful addition did lead me to one more conclusion. That is for the
> author or future editor of the b.xsd XML Schema there will still be an error
> reported when the a.xsd file is not referenceable via the value specified in
> the b.xsd import statement for a.xsd. That's because the Eclipse XML Schema
> editor won't be able to take advantage of the catalog for episodes.
> I did notice that Eclipse does have an XML Catalog dialog which is part of
> the Eclipse preferences system. This can be found at Preferences -- Web and
> XML -- XML Catalog. However when I tried to create a user entry there for a
> Maven artifact, this produced an error due to the '.' in
> ~/.m2/repository/... path.
> Does anyone here know if there is a way to reference a Maven jar with the
> Eclipse XML Catalog such that the Eclipse XML Schema Editor can resolve the
> import statement for a.xsd when editing b.xsd?
> Or is this question is better posed in the Eclipse forum?

Sorry, I can't help here much.

> Thanks for your excellent new addition to the Maven JAXB plugin!

Thank you for the valuable feedback.
