Re: Getting JAXB to instanciate your subclasses

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 16:24:07 -0500

Allister Bertram wrote:
> I'm seeing some success using the discussed method, but it's failing to properly instantiate from
> my specified impl subclass when the element is a child of another element.
> In my schema, certain elements can appear under the root, with a reference to related entities,
> or they can appear as child elements of those related entities. In the former case, the
> implClass binding is working for me, but in the latter, it is not.

I think I follow you, but a simple schema fragment would help me answer your
question. Can you provide one?

> I hope the upcoming FAQ will either offer a solution to this extension of the original problem,
> or articulate that I'm out of luck until a future release.

I apologize that the FAQ is not out yet - it is complete, but hung-up in some
internal processes to get it on the web. I'll be sure to send an announcement
as soon as it is published.

