Unexpected end of element

From: Steven Cummings <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 16:48:11 -0400

Hello all,

I've looked through the archives about this problem and found a few messages, but the one solution I saw doesn't apply here. I'm getting the above (see subject-line) error message and there are two things I'm noticing about the error:

1. They are being called {}:whatever, which doesn't make sense because I know my elements are in a namespace. So it should be {some-uri}whatever.
2. All of the elements that I'm getting this error for are of type or a type derived of simpleContent, so just text plus possible attributes. My elements all have their required attributes and text either contains no special characters or is contained in CDATA.

Anyway, those are my two current clues. Does this help anybody to know what the problem might be? Thanks a bunch.


Steven Cummings
Columbia, MO
AIM:   cummingscs
ICQ:   3330114
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