Re: XmlRootElement to influence tag-name? Or how to get rid of <AbstractClasss xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:type="DocumentType">

From: Florian Bachmann <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 14:27:25 +0100

Hi Lexi,
this is the way I create my object structure:

                final ObjectFactory obj = new ObjectFactory();

                final KmlType kml = new KmlType();
                final DocumentType document = new DocumentType();


                final PlacemarkType p1 = new PlacemarkType();

                final LineStringType ls = new LineStringType();



and marshall it:
                try {
                        final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(KmlType.class);
                        final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
                        marshaller.marshal(kml, System.out);
                } catch (final Throwable ex) {
                        LOG.error("error", ex);

The project already generate classed for
the kml schema,
the don't mention it on their site, but they have the binding file in
their svn-trunk repository.


Am 06.03.2009 um 14:10 schrieb Aleksei Valikov:

> Hi.
>> I created a bunch of classes from the ogc kml-schema
>> (used by Google Earth and Google Maps and found here:
>> ).
> By the way, there's the following project which deals with compiling
> OGC schemas with JAXB:
> I think it would make sense adding KML schemas there.
>> So far so good, but as soon I want to marshal some objects into
>> an xml/kml-file I get this output:
> Would you please show your code? I think you may be composing your
> object structure incorrectly.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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