- "Abstract" persistent properties (without a field of the same name)
- "Invalid composite primary key specification"
- (TopLink Essentials) bogus _at_JoinTable default value
- 15 failures running entity-persistence-tests
- 2 ejb dev tests failing
- 2 failures of entity-persistence-tests on Derby
- 3 entity-persistence-tests fail on a new Derby instance
- 3.1 persistence one pager
- 6 failures in the unit tests?
- 9.0 UR1 Dev Guide Posted
- [Code Review]Updating GlassFish to use PFD version of persistence spi
- [Forum question:] Problems with entity inheritence and composite keys (b38)
- [forum question] Query sent to unactivated unitofwork
- [Fwd: [IN 83672] entity-persistence INTEGRATED EJBQL: extending TRIM function support]
- [Fwd: [IN 84987] entity-persistence INTEGRATED Merge changes from trunk onto branch]
- [Fwd: [IN 87104] entity-persistence PLANNED Close open JarFile and do not open the same stream twice]
- [Fwd: [Issue 1021] OneToMany Cascade Persist Failure due to Insert Order]
- [Fwd: [Issue 1074] Regression: TopLink does not serach classpath for mapping files specified in persistence.xml]
- [Fwd: [Issue 119] New - DDL generation code executed on running sessions in Java SE]
- [Fwd: [Issue 2465] New - Performance issue with left join JPQL query in Toplink Essentials]
- [Fwd: [Issue 459] TopLink does not ignore white spaces around string values in provider name in persistence.xml]
- [Fwd: [Issue 486] Problem with abstract _at_Entity and _at_Id in b41]
- [Fwd: [Issue 606] Incorrect query generated to fetch ManyToMany collection]
- [Fwd: [Issue 635] Toplink's VersionLockingPolicy became to throw a NullPointerException]
- [Fwd: [Issue 635] Toplink's VersionLockingPolicy became to throw a NullPointerException]]
- [Fwd: [Issue 879] New - Improvements required to Cascade remove on ManyToMany]
- [Fwd: [Issue 928] Positional parameters for NamedNativeQuery]
- [Fwd: [Issue 990] New - ? AND # SYMBOLS CAN'T BE USED IN NATIVE QUERY]
- [Fwd: [Issue 998] Logging integration with GF happens too late]
- [FWD: [nbj2ee] Lookup table with enum]
- [Fwd: A Read-Only Entity Bean? Best way to handle views?]
- [Fwd: Another Ask the Experts Question]
- [Fwd: AS9.0 and java2db feature]
- [Fwd: bugs or user error?]
- [Fwd: Cascade persist and 1ToMany relationship?]
- [Fwd: Changes in b40]
- [Fwd: Comment on Nested Transactions]
- [Fwd: connection timeout]
- [Fwd: EJB/ Toplink Query]
- [Fwd: Fix for issue 699 and 702]
- [Fwd: Forum "GlassFish" has been updated by bjb]
- [Fwd: GlassFish Day at JavaOne 2007]
- [Fwd: Issue 257]
- [Fwd: java2db and Derby support]
- [Fwd: javax.ejb: _at_PreDestroy, _at_PostConstruct]
- [Fwd: M4 highlights Wiki page]
- [Fwd: Newbie trouble: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NamedQuery of name: findAllQuery not f
- [Fwd: Newbie trouble: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NamedQuery of name: findAllQuery not found.]
- [Fwd: pessimistic locking in 3.0]
- [Fwd: Proposed code changes for generating ddl for identity columns]
- [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detect database platform]
- [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detect databaseplatform]
- [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detectdatabaseplatform]
- [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automaticallydetectdatabaseplatform]
- [Fwd: Question about EJBQL HAVING clause requirements]
- [Fwd: Review fix for issue #3209]
- [Fwd: Thread "need help to configure persistence.xml with tomcat datasource" has been updated by gkatz]
- [FYI] article about newly added category-specific logging level and cascade refresh query hint
- [Issue 1059] New - native queries not being committed
- [Issue 1081] Remote business method of Session Bean returning JPA entity with lazy field
- [Issue 154] New - EJBQL: bulk UPDATE statement should not update version columns
- [Issue 269] _at_Enumerated does not work well with ejb-ql
- [Issue 632] REGRESSION: access=FIELD in orm.xml is ignored - defaults to PROPERTY
- [Issue 666] New - EMF can be garbage collected if they are not held on to.
- [Issue 66] New - Enterprise archives fail to load if MX1 and 1XM relationships used in entities within persistence archive
- [Issue 756] Cache-related query hints have no effect?
- [Issue 78] TopLink expects PU names to be unique across applications.
- [Issue 78] TopLink expects PU names to be unique acrossapplications.
- [Issue 914] Bidirectional ManyToMany broken
- [nbj2ee] Remote database connection problem
- [New Subject] Issue 699
- _at_Column Annotation related to length()
- _at_Embeddable class
- _at_Entity and _at_Embeddable
- _at_Id ValidationException with EclipseLink
- _at_IdClass issues
- _at_NamedQuery for finding details from more than 1 column
- _at_OneToMany - _at_ManyToOne WebService and _at_XmlRootElement
- _at_OneToMany without join table with TopLink
- _at_OrderBy with Set
- _at_UniqueConstraint annotation don't works?
- A change in persistence-api does not update toplink-essentials.jar
- a few questions
- A Question about code in EntityMangerSetupImpl
- A question about TOPLINK
- About the specifiction of Batch Reading and Writing
- abstract entity superclasses
- access type of Embeddable types
- Access type of id class
- Accessing Properties of detached POJOs with GlassFish V3 and EclipseLink 2.0
- AccessMode?
- Add a property to the cmp EJB QL compiler to disable ORDER BY validation
- Add support for enum literals to EJBQL
- adding new attributes to classes won't create the respective columns in database
- adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- Additional Check-in for bug 682
- Additional Check-in for bug 980
- Adjusted dependency version in toplink-essentials.pom
- aggregate functions in the "order by" clause of a JPA query
- Altering tables
- amendment for bug 2741
- Another cascade question
- Any foreign keys with Toplink and Derby ?
- Anyone have success using Toplink with javawebstart?
- Application server upgrade
- Are there any guidelines for entity-persistence-tests?
- AS9.0 and java2db feature
- auto generation of tables
- AW: AW: Transaction flow problem using _at_TransactionAttribute
- AW: Bug Comparing Enum with Bindingparameter
- AW: Container managed transactions commiting problem
- AW: Java and Vista
- AW: Problem binding collections to queries
- AW: Problem with _at_AssociationOverride on Embedded ManyToOne Relation
- AW: Problems Mapping Map
- AW: Transaction flow problem using _at_TransactionAttribute
- Basic.optional() vs. Column.nullable()
- Benefit of _at_NamedQuery
- Best Practice for deployment
- best practice for generic facade?
- BETA branch for entity-persistence-tests module?
- Blog about the cache of TopLink Essentials
- Both fields and properties?
- broken connection during commit
- Broken connection handling
- Bug Comparing Enum with Bindingparameter
- Bug Fix for 2440
- Build status page
- buildClassTypes() / getClassTypes()
- Bulk DELETE query should handle relationships automatically?
- byte [] primary keys...
- caching bug?
- Caching-Between-Transactions
- calling equals() on a detached object
- Can anyone answer this forum posting?
- can I create an EntityManagerFactory in Java EE?
- Can JPA Be Used In Web Start?
- can map be null in createContainerEntityManagerFactory?
- Can not display data from DB
- Can not PERSIST detatched object
- Can orm.xml be used in Java SE env?
- Can persistence be used without a web server?
- can we talk?
- Can you pass parameters to an Order By clause in NamedQuery?
- can you set the persistence-unit data-source at runtime?
- Can't find persistence.xml from applet
- Can't find persistence.xml from web browser
- Can't initialize a collection field?
- Cannot modify in PostPersist?
- Cannot see newly created object
- Cannot use entities in IN (WHERE) clause?
- Cannot use TopLink essentials in Eclipse RCP Plugin application
- Cascade Join query involving collection attributes
- Cascade merge does not occur
- cascade query hint for more dynamic control of cascade refresh
- Cascade question
- cascaded remove failure on many-to-many relationship
- Cascading relationships in ejb 3.0
- cascading removals only when last foreign key is removed
- case insensitive
- Case insensitive query for JPA Order By clause?
- Case Insensitive search
- changes post-beta]
- Changes to persistence.xml ddl-generation takes effect only after second deployment
- Changing entity-persistence-tests to add test cases for issue #1074, #1131
- Changing the id of a managed entity
- check in createContainerEMF?
- Check this forum posting...
- checked in a small correction to my yesterday's fix for issue 2021 (eom)
- checked in fix for bug 3580
- Checked in fix for bug 3827
- checked in fix for gf1771
- choosing persistence unit at runtime?
- Clarify precedence of information supplied in map parameter to createContainerEntityManagerFactory
- class cast exception during persist
- ClassCastException: SerialContext cannot be cast to javax.sql.DataSource
- Clear All
- CLOB saving
- CMP changes for java2db processing
- Code change for Issue 805 : Postgresql and non-default schema
- Code changes for Issue 283 : Postgresql and SERIAL field
- Code changes for Issue 433 : Incorrect JDBC escape syntax for outer joins?
- Code changes for issue 454 - javaSE and create-tables option in javaSE case
- Code changes for issue 465 : Postgresql jdbc client error for setObject and Byte parameter
- Code changes for issues 612 and 901
- Code changes for issues 668 and 716
- Code changes related to reopened issue 283 and PostgreSQL
- Code changes relevant to Issue 272 : java2db support for UniqueConstraint
- Code changes relevant to Issue 283 - PostgreSQL database and SERIAL field
- Code changes relevant to issue 349 - java2db and _at_Version datatype
- Code fix for Issue 267 : DiscriminatorValue is not defined
- Code refactoring for glassfish bug 3334 fix
- code reivew for issue 1355
- code reivew for issue 269
- code reivew for issue 743
- Code related to bug - 796 : Self Many-Many Relationship
- Code review files related to java2db case where the sql tokens should not be written out
- Code review files related to java2db case where the sql tokens shouldnot be written out
- Code review files related to java2db in SE]
- Code review for 1218?
- Code Review for 2278 Query.executeUpdate() method doesn't throw TransactionRequiredException
- code review for 937
- Code review for [Issue 1153] Object can't reference itself using @EmbeddedId
- Code review for [Issue 1153] Object can't reference itself using _at_EmbeddedId
- Code review for [Issue 1365] DDL generation 'create-tables' doesn't add constraints in SE mode
- Code review for changes to allow colum aliases in Native Queries
- Code review for completion of issue 158
- Code review for Easier configurable category-specific logging level
- code review for issue #1031
- code review for issue #1042
- code review for issue #1258
- Code review for issue #1299
- Code review for issue #1502
- code review for issue #377
- code review for issue #831
- code review for issue #925
- Code review for issue 1003
- code review for issue 1053
- Code review for issue 1072 - JAVA2DB error in relationships with a composite key
- Code review for Issue 1179 unique-constraint used in <table> element of mapping file throws exception on creation of the entity manager
- Code review for issue 1324: toplink.refresh query hint does not cascade
- Code review for issue 1356
- code review for issue 136
- Code review for issue 1366 - TopLink logging: There is no english translation
- code review for issue 1388
- code review for issue 146
- Code review for Issue 1673, 2674 fails to deserialize from byte array when run underJava 6
- Code review for Issue 1777 createEMF fix incorrect: Should return null instead of throwing exception
- code review for issue 189
- Code review for Issue 191
- Code review for Issue 1910: JavaLogger is not used if there are multiple PUs in SE mode
- Code review for Issue 1911: Make entity-persistence module compilable in JDK 6
- code review for Issue 214 and 273
- Code review for issue 2262 - Primary keys in JoinTable by Java2DB do not have specified length
- Code Review for Issue 2476 Incorrect ddl generated for 2 UniqueConstraints on same table with MSSql
- Code review for Issue 2646 - MySQL: Left/Right Trim function is translated into invalid SQL
- Code review for Issue 2744 MySQL: Bulk Delete query for entity with joined inheritance fails
- Code review for Issue 2799 - MySQL: invalid SQL is generated when unqualified attribute is used in UPDATE
- code review for issue 343
- Code review for issue 360
- code review for issue 411
- code review for issue 550
- Code review for issue 691
- code review for issue 743
- code review for issues 1051, 1074, 1115, 1131, 1206
- Code review for Issues 620 and 610
- Code Review for Validation related change in entity-persistence
- Code review for: [Issue 1107] Logger defined by a property doesn't work]
- Code review request for Issue #150
- code review request for issue #353
- Code reviews for Issues 139 and 335
- cofiguring different orm.xml files
- collection of primitive and the spec...
- Column Indexes
- Commit Access for Wonseok Kim
- Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse
- Composite Primary Key Mapping error - Invalid composite primary key specification
- Composition, inheritance or queries: best practice
- Computed Properties in QL
- ConcurrentModificationException
- CONFIG log messages?
- Configuration of Client vs. Shared Cache
- configure properties in persistence.xml at runtime
- connection DB error
- connection timeout
- Constructor Expressions
- constructor in query
- Container managed transactions commiting problem
- controlling schema generation .jdbc file output
- copyright updated for some files
- Could not load class oracle.toplink.essentials.indirection.IndirectList
- Could not receive 'persistence' mailing list
- Crafting the correct Query
- createNamedQuery error
- Current fix on Issue 554 - incorrect value of EntityManager.contains() in non-tx case after query execution
- custom sql, after load ammendment methods, descriptor query manager
- Cycle In Object Graph
- Damaris ( from Cuba )
- Database Lock
- DDL generation failures in entity-persistence-tests
- default byte[] -> BLOB mapping for JavaDB
- Default column to current timestamp
- Default DDL generation mode?
- delay in ManyToOne relationship updates
- Deploy App twice on same server, use different DB Connection for each?
- Deploying a mail session as a JNDI resource
- Determine whether entity was changed
- Determining if entity has been removed
- diferences between GeneratedType.AUTO and GeneratedType.SEQUENCE
- Direct DB updates are not visible in in JPA (even after clearing)
- Disable TopLink caching
- Distributed cache in cluster environment
- Do objects in the cache time out?
- Do update/delete statements support Collection member declaration and path expressions
- Doc'ing Issue #831
- docs about generation bean's id
- Documentation for Static Weaving Enhancement of TopLink Essentials
- Does "the class must have a public no-argument constructor" mean that I must declare it, even if it is the sole constructor?
- Does "The primary key class must be serializable" mean that "The primary key class must implement java.io.Serializable"?
- Does TopLink not share the same embeddable class descriptor?
- don't have a unique key for ID in my view
- Duplicate Column?
- Dynamic JPA 2.0 query using Criteria API
- Dynamically Adjusting Persistence.xml For DB Path?
- Dynamically creating named queries
- Dynamically/runtime definition of _at_Table name
- EAR scope persistence jar and classpath
- EAR scope persistence jar and classpath]
- EAR scoped Persistence Unit definition
- EclipseLink like a Persistence Provider
- eclipselink.ddl-generation
- EJB 3 and JPA Exception Handling
- EJB 3 trouble
- EJB and JSF: Entity Manager not injecting on Sun AS9PE
- EJB QL constructor erxpression update in entity-persistence
- EJB QL constructor query with aggregate argument
- EJB QL parser update in entity-persistence
- EJB QL query using JOIN FETCH and DISTINCT
- EJB QL reserved identifiers
- EJB QL subquery fix
- EJB QL: IS NULL vs. = NULL (glassfish issue 340)
- EJB3 EJB2.1 ?
- EJB3 example wanted
- EJB3 persistance
- EJBQL - How to sort query results by a field in LEFT JOIN
- EJBQL aggregates return type
- EJBQL bulk UPDATE statement should not update version columns
- EJBQL changes in PFD version of persistence document
- EJBQL changes in PFD version of persistnce document
- EJBQL compiler changes to allow parameter type checking
- EJBQL FETCH JOIN query with many-to-many relationship
- EJBQL function arguments
- EJBQL join handling fixes
- EJBQL NOT queries
- EJBQL parser update supporting TRIM
- EJBQL Prettifier / beutifier / formatter ?
- EJBQL query and JOINED inheritance strategy
- EJBQL update: grammar change
- EJBQL: add support for grouping by identification variable
- EJBQL: check SELECT clause requirements for GROUP BY query
- EJBQL: default trim specification
- EJBQL: extending TRIM function support
- EJBQL: fix for problem with IN-expr including input parameter
- EJBQL: fix problem with order of Query.setParameter call for named parameters
- EJBQL: fixing NPE in not equals expression
- EJBQL: question about identification variables in subqueries
- EJBQL: question about state fields of an embedded class type
- EJBQL: something equivalent to ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10;
- EJBQL: support for fields with a name of a reserved identifier
- EJBQLParser change: support for aggregates in HAVING clause
- EJBQLParser change: support for SIZE function
- Embedded objects in EJBQL
- empty NamedQueries annotation?
- Empty references object
- enable unique constraints creation for java2db
- enhancement request 2452 filed
- Entities and monitoring
- Entities and Relations in MySQL DB
- Entities become unmanaged after RollbackException
- Entities Jar in my project
- entity manager flush problem
- Entity manager in web applications
- entity persistence update
- entity relation
- Entity test harness
- entity-persistence and entity-persistence tests updated copyright dates
- entity-persistence check in
- entity-persistence check-in
- entity-persistence check-in fix for bug 662
- entity-persistence code update
- entity-persistence CTS Issue - persistence xml with <mapping-file>
- entity-persistence functionality update
- entity-persistence INTEGRATED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit
- entity-persistence INTEGRATED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit - updates
- entity-persistence test testDDLJoinTableSchema on Oracle databases
- entity-persistence testing fix
- entity-persistence upate
- entity-persistence upate complete
- entity-persistence update
- entity-persistence update (GlassFish issue 486)
- entity-persistence update - about to check in
- entity-persistence update checked in
- entity-persistence updates
- entity-persistence-test failure on derby
- entity-persistence-testing check-in
- entity-persistence-tests are broken
- entity-persistence-tests are failing
- entity-persistence-tests doesn't see the driver?
- entity-persistence-tests failure complexConstructorAggregatesTest
- entity-persistence-tests update
- entity-persistence-update
- entity-persistence-updates
- entity-perssistence update
- EntityManager DAOs and Exception Flow
- EntityManager lookup difference between GF V2 and V3
- EntityManagerFactory.getEntityManager() and pctx propagation
- EntityManagerSetupException when accessing db data from session bean
- Error on first run of entity-persistence-tests on a clean oracle database, but next run suceeds
- Error with Spring, Hibernate JPA and GlassFish
- Escaping single quote
- Essentials bundles.
- Example use of jar-file element in persistence.xml
- Exception [TOPLINK-7220] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060830)
- Exception if Query.setParameter call is missing
- exception occurred while creating a query in entitymanager
- exception on table name length >30 char with oracle 10g
- Exception when updating an entity after the completion of a transaction which has already updated the same entity.
- Exception while preparing the app : Invalid resource : jdbc
- Extending the persistence unit
- FCS branch created for entity-persistence-tests
- FCS branch for entity-persistence-tests module
- FCS build question
- field of type List<String>
- filter feature during lazy-load
- Final review: adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- find does not return updated entity
- findbugs and javax.persistence.Persistence
- First cut of platform for PostgreSQL database
- Fix bug 2647
- Fix bug 3032
- fix for 1193
- fix for 1395
- fix for 3324
- fix for 3517
- fix for 3570
- Fix for bug 3421 Checked in
- Fix for Bug 3453
- Fix for bug 3457 checked in
- Fix for bugs 2643 and 2944
- Fix for GF 2621 checked in
- Fix for GF4016
- Fix for issue 1021
- Fix for issue 1139 "cascade merge"
- Fix for issue 248
- fix for issue 2894
- Fix for issue 341
- Fix for issue 400
- Fix for issue 459
- Fix for issue 702
- Fix for setFirstResult/setMaxResults issue
- Fix mapping of antlr exceptions to EJBQLException class (issue 1163)
- Fix NPE when populating the result for an outer fetch join query (issue 2881)
- Fix to TableDefinition
- Fixed gf 3152
- fixed gf bug 3381
- Fixed GlassFish bug 3323
- Fixed glassfish bug 3334
- fixed issue 2021 (eom)
- Fixing issue #383
- Fixing issue #520
- Fixing issue 1226
- Fixing issue 228
- Fixing issue 327: Do I need to change this code?
- Fixing issue 327: qualify hints and toplink property names
- fixing issue 634?
- Force Commits
- Foreign key as part of compound key and one-to-many relationship
- foreign key reference with toplink
- Forum posts about native queries with parameters
- Forum question
- Forum question about DISTINCT query and field mapped to a Blob column
- forum question on ordered list
- Forum question on XMLTYPE of column
- FREE Online Test at www.yfrindia.com
- FYI: Problems running entity-persistence-tests against JavaDB in embedded mode
- General Entity Facade
- generating reports with ireport
- Geronimo or Tomcat anyone?
- getSingleResult() . It's very slow...
- Getting ejb ql query resultset
- Getting error Glassfish + JPA + Jersey
- Getting multiple objects by id
- Getting out of memory exception during bulk insert
- Getting the entity id with JPA
- gf1166
- GlassFish 2.1.1 - TopLink (JPA1) Persistence Exception 7106 - String Encryption Mistery...
- Glassfish b40 persistence conflict with EJB 3.0 Spec
- glassfish bug 1624
- GlassFish bug 2988
- glassfish bug 3123
- glassfish bug 3146 has been fixed.
- GlassFish bug 3233
- glassfish bug 3307 has been fixed.
- Glassfish bug# 2380
- Glassfish bug# 2492
- GlassFish bug# 2962
- Glassfish bug#1878
- Glassfish bug#1878])
- GlassFish Bug#2641
- Glassfish bug#2689
- glassfish bug3438 fixed code has been checked in
- Glassfish Build on AS9_BETA_BRANCH
- Glassfish Derby DB
- glassfish installation
- glassfish issues 600, 832, 887
- Glassfish Shutdown with JPA
- Glassfish Toplink Postgresql can't persist
- Glassfish V2: From hibernate to toplink: Actual SQL statement
- Glassfish-eclipselink Lazy-Eager Deployment Issue (with DDL Generation twists)
- Glassfishv3 stuck after upgrade
- Good news: EclipseLink and GlassFish
- Group By Issues in CTS)
- Handling impedence mismatch between Object Model and relational model
- Have toplink code drop the tables from the database based on the old drop file
- Having trouble with a "NOT IN" query
- HEADS UP: Vendor-specific persistence properties changes
- hello just a question
- help me with EJB3!
- Help with EJB3 and Glassfish!
- Help? - Finalization testing (GF 1309)
- Hi All
- Hibernate
- Hibernate in Glassfish
- How does an explicit lock() call prevent dirty reads in JPA
- How does GenerationType.SEQUENCE work?
- How does TopLink know if an object is in the cache?
- How to annotate TEXT field?
- How to change SQL-statements for Persistence Unit
- How to change URL encoding in GlassFish
- How to check for table existence?
- How to commit a JTA Transaction
- how to compare 2 dates in a JPA QL query
- how to configure different orm.xml files
- how to configure different orm.xml files again
- How to configure logging for java.util.logging?
- How to confirm which bugs fixed is included in the latest patch
- How to delete all tables in a database
- How to detect optimistic lock exception?
- How to display Toplink's generated query?
- How to dynamically add entity beans to a persistent unit
- How to get dirty entities from EntityManager
- How to group by month and date?
- How to implement indexing in JPA?
- how to import glassfish-persistence on my program
- How to join 3-4 tables and use subquery in a JPA createQuery???
- how to map NVARCHAR2 columns
- how to map Self-referencing table ManyToMany relationship
- how to obtain JDBC connection from JPA entity manager?
- How to prevent stack overflow
- How to reference entity with max value for an attribute
- How to specify a custom id generator
- How to specify default entity listeners via API
- How To Store a String[] to VarChar(255) []?
- How to tell Glassfish Persistence to use TYPE = InnoDB when creating MySQL tables?
- How to threat Database exceptions?
- How to use discriminator type with integer?
- How to use Java logger in Java SE?
- How to use Java logger in Java SE? (including a proposal)
- How to write descriptor for [java.util.ArrayList]
- http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee":module}' is expected.
- Hyperjaxb3 release 0.2
- I think I found a bug
- I want to contribute MaxDB support
- I'm trying to compile toplink but...
- Idea for optimistic concurrency extension
- IdentityHashmaps
- IllegalArgumentException not a known entity type
- Implementation Strategy
- Implementing auditing of user information
- Implementing Temporal Property (or Temporal Object) using JPA?
- Implementing the persistence API
- imports with EclipseLink
- InheritanceType.JOINED and discriminator column?
- Initial Derby support integrated
- Initial general questions
- initialValue doesn't work in sequence
- Injection of EntityManager doesn't work with separated Entity and Session Beans
- Injection of persistence fields failed
- injections
- insensitive search
- Installing glassfish
- Integrated Checkin of entity-persistence code
- Interested in improving PostgreSQL support
- Interpreting TopLink SQL logging - is it really executing this many queries?
- Is fully qualifying enum literals required in JPQL?
- is Hibernate JPA work on ubuntu operation saystem?????????????.
- Is issue 3235 completely fixed?
- Is it legal to have a JPQL query that has multiple LEFT JOIN FETCHes?
- Is it possible to Traverse relationships with FETCH JOIN?
- Is there any TopLink Essentials design or architecture documents?
- Is this pattern safe to use in a web app?
- Is using Toplink ExpressionBuilder a good choice
- issue #1051: throw exception if mapping file is not found
- issue 1074
- Issue 1081
- Issue 134 - _at_Column attributes are ignored during java2db
- Issue 134 - _at_Column attributes are ignored during java2db]
- Issue 1454 and FieldDefinition.typeName?
- Issue 2084: Generated SQL uses wrong alias for orderby clause
- Issue 2333 fix checked in
- Issue 279
- Issue 315: Deleting from a managed relationship
- Issue 348 : For Derby java2db generated DECIMAL field instead of DECIMAL(10,2)
- Issue 388 - is it fixed?
- Issue 401: Moving size() outside a for loop?
- Issue 477: NPE in query runtime with JOINED inheritance on derby
- issue 600, 832, 887 case sensitivity
- Issue 674 fixed?
- Issue when the file writers are being closed
- Issue when the file writers are not being closed
- Issue with Derby driver when trying to do a getFloat() where the row has FLOAT.MAX_VALUE
- Issue with duplicated tables in the generated SQL (197)
- Issue with EXISTS subquery on derby (glassfish issue 148)
- issue#1123 UPDATE with JPQL does not handle enums correctly
- issues using toplink-essentials v2-b35 in eclipse RCP plugin application
- J2SE example with toplink-essentials
- J2SE+EntityManager
- Java and Vista
- java cokie problem
- Java SE
- Java SE style use of JPA from an enterprise application
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST.
- java.net Forums
- java.net Forums: _at_Enumerated?
- java.net Forums: entity collection mapping - java.util.Set not accepted
- java.net Forums: entitymanager refresh & j2se
- java.net Forums: Error deploying - ValueHolderInterface ?
- java.net Forums: GlassFish equivilent of Hibernate CompositeUserType?
- java.net Forums: NullPointerException with Toplink's VersionLockingPolicy
- java.net Forums: Persistence problem
- java.net Forums: pool/memory settings for j2se entitymanager:
- java.net Forums: Problems with IN expressions
- java.net Forums: There is no English translation for this exception.
- java.net Forums: Toplink fails to store changes in related objects in specific case.
- java.net Forums: Toplink ValidationException with DB Sequence (B42 03/26)
- java.net mailing list problem
- Java2DB error message
- Java2DB in Prelude?
- JavaDB in Prelude?
- javax.ejb.EJBException:
- javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TestBean not found
- javax.persistence.PersistenceException
- javax.validation.ValidationException
- JBoss 4.2.2 and CompositeName lookup
- Jdk1.6 Deployment problem
- JDO76607 and JDO76606 with Glassfish b48 and Toplink V2b17
- Jersey + Mysql + Hibernate/JPA + Glassfish v2.1
- JoinColumn of relationship with subclasses which has joined strategy?
- joins and relationships
- JOINs cross persistence units
- JPA - delete rows via createNativeQuery is not honoring transaction
- JPA 2.0 Maven Artifact
- JPA and merging
- JPA and XMLType
- JPA error
- JPA function extensibility
- JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
- JPA issue - not able to view an entity's collection
- JPA outside of EJB3
- JPA packaging
- JPA problem with connection
- JPA Query finds wrong row?
- JPA Query Help
- JPA query: null values in the query result
- JPA SingleTable inheritance with _at_OneToMany problem
- jpa TopLink java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: _toplink_get when OneToOne is Lazy
- JPA vs JDO
- JPA with EJB3 - remove an entity and create new entity with same primary key (same transaction)
- JPQL and Inheritance
- JPQL NPE with update query and subquery (issue 572)
- JPQL NPE with update query and subquery (issue 572))
- JPQL: add error msg for invalid collection relationship navigation
- JPQL: add query name and text to query error messages (issue 1795)
- JPQL: add support for non ASCII characters to lexer
- JPQL: allow identification variable as constructor argument
- JPQL: Cleanup internal EJBQLParser API
- JPQL: create ReadAllQuery for simple SELECT queries
- JPQL: FindBugs: Self assignment of field in oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.parsing.ParseTreeContext
- JPQL: fix ClassCastException if second MOD argument is a field access expression
- JPQL: fix error message for unknown abstract schema type (issue 1236)
- JPQL: fix for UPDATE with subquery (issue 592)
- JPQL: fix generated SQL for query mixing inner and outer joins (issue 3041)
- JPQL: fix invalid error message for embedded with property-based access (issue 2883)
- JPQL: fix invalid SQL for COUNT on joined variablehip
- JPQL: fix invalid SQL for simple COUNT DISTINCT query
- JPQL: fix invalid SQL SELECT clause for query joining the same relationship twice
- JPQL: fix missing parameter type info for ABS function call
- JPQL: fix multiple parenthesis in generated SQL for JPQL IN subquery
- JPQL: fix NPE for COUNT on variable joining a ManyToMany self-ref relationship
- JPQL: fix NPE for undefined identification variable in JOIN clause
- JPQL: fix query compiler ignoring third LOCATE argument
- JPQL: fix query issue when navigating through two level of embeddeds
- JPQL: fix query selecting JOIN variable
- JPQL: fix SQLException thrown for constructor query using COUNT
- JPQL: fix unqualified field access in UPDATE/DELETE queries
- JPQL: partial fix for problem with aggregates in HAVING clause (issue 932)
- JPQL: subquery changes
- JPQL: update fields of embedded instances (issue 1124)
- JPQL: validate field access in SELECT clause
- JPQL: wrong SQL for MEMBER OF query (issue 673)
- JTA PU in Java SE?
- Justifications for rule #3 & #4
- Lazy load of collection works even after EntityManager is closed?
- LEFT OUTER JOIN - ON clause equivalent?
- library-inclusion-in-manifest: - libs.swing-layout.classpath
- Lifecycle Callback Methods
- link to blog about LIKE expression in JPQL
- List Changes -- Starting Tonight
- List field ordering
- List of entity classes
- Listeners Problems
- Location of database
- Looking for (external|internal) deployments of GlassFish technology
- Looking for a few good database users
- Looking for Help on Relationship Query Using Expressions
- Losing dbase connection
- mailing lists working again
- Maintaining an order of the list
- Manifest changes for TopLink Essentials Jar
- Many-To-Many on JavaSE Collection returning null
- many-to-many self-reference
- manytomany relation problem
- ManyToMany with list of an utility class which contains the other objekt fur mapping and an additional attribute
- ManyToMany with list of an utility class which contains the other objekt für mapping and an additional attribute
- ManyToOne problem bug?
- ManyToOne/OneToMany Relationships are Broken in 10/27 PE Builds
- ManyToOne: Missing meta data for class [java.lang.String]
- map non-entity using _at_SqlResultSetMapping
- mappedBy problem in subclasses
- MappedSuperclass
- Mapping columns in orm.xml
- Marina on theserverside.com
- Martin Adamek's Blog
- Math expressions
- max LOB
- Memory Growing
- Memory question
- merge abstract entity
- merge abstract object
- merging as the opposite of refresh?
- Merging for UR1
- minimizing stale data when running in a cluster
- Misleading log output of entity-persistence-tests
- Misleading message
- Missining class EntityMappingsMergeJUnitTestSuite in entity-persistence-tests
- multiple databases
- Multiple Return types EJBQL
- multiple threads trying to modfiy an entity
- My deep relationship problem for JPA
- MySQL and entity-persistence-tests failures?
- Mysql login problems
- Named Queries
- native scalar SQL query and result list
- nb issue 119567 and filing gf/toplink issue]
- Need a reference to an Session Bean within an Entity Bean
- Need Doc help on Lazy Loading
- Need for a releaseTemporaryClassLoader method
- Need help with query to find LineItems not in any Order
- Nested Fetch Joins
- Netbeans 5.5 Persistance issue with MySQL
- New persistence.xml struture
- New SQLAnyWherePlatform checked in
- new to glassfish and EJB3- problem with EntityManager
- Newbie trouble: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NamedQuery of name: findAllQuery not found.
- No Persistence provider for EntityManager
- no.weaving option
- Non-entity class attributes
- non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?
- not able to run a ejb application
- Not cascading remove
- Not detached after use EntityManager's query in non-transaction mode
- Not null OneToOne relation
- NullPointerException
- NullPointerException in persist() method
- NullPointerException javaagent WebSphere 6.1
- Object (Timestamp) entity fields not persisted when changed internally
- Object is not written to the database....
- ObjectBuilder.java
- Obtaining autogenerated primary key
- Obtaining Last Generated PK
- OK to use java.util.List for collections?
- one performance issue on TopLink
- One-to-Many bug
- Optimizing the CORBA...
- Optional query parameters
- Oracle Toplink + XMLType
- Order By
- Order By in Query
- OrderBy() generates an Error -9700: java.sql.SQLException: Routine (upper) ambiguous - more than one routine resolves to given signature.
- out of container ejb 3.0 testing
- out of container JPA + EJB 3.0 + JNDI testing
- Out-of-container example?
- Outer joins for secondary tables?
- packaging withour .par
- Pagination Efficiency in TopLink Essentials
- Parallel Expression Builders
- part of an embedded object is read-only...
- passing the value of data from DB to a servlet checkbox.
- Passivating an EM
- Patch fixing issues with UPDATE and constructor EJBQL queries
- Patch fixing issues with UPDATE and constructor EJBQL queries)
- Payment Poblem
- Persistence Demo
- persistence Digest 2 Mar 2010 21:57:16 -0000 Issue 870
- Persistence javadoc content
- Persistence message in promoted build annoucement
- Persistence page is up on GlassFish
- persistence property names
- Persistence Test Integrated in QuickLook
- Persistence tests changes
- Persistence Unit Failed to deployh
- Persistence unit ref:
- persistence-api changes for new packaging proposal]
- persistence-api update
- persistence.xml error
- persistence.xml in Java SE environment
- persistence.xml location with javaagent
- persistence.xml not picked up in webapp
- persistence.xsd includes persistence_1_0.xsd!
- PersistenceInfo.getJarFiles() returning URL
- Persistent problem
- Persisting ManyToMany in the Join table
- Persisting ManyToMany relationship error
- Persisting via cascading
- pessimistic locking
- Planned Checkin of entity-persistence code
- PLANNED Resolving bug : 300 no write on txn commit
- Please answer forum question about query
- Please Grant Commit Access to Wonseok Kim
- Please help me sir
- Please respond to this forum question
- Please review fix for issue #1646
- Please review fix for issue 327
- please review fix for issue 448
- Please review fix for issue 969 (obsolete warning)
- Please review the fix for issue 256
- Please review: changes to push new versions to maven repository
- Please take a look at this forum question
- please, Could you help me with JPA?
- please, Could you help me?
- Please, Help
- Pluggable access control and authorization
- Pluggable arcive factory
- Pointer to description of functionality of "toplink-essentials-agent"?
- Possible java2db bug in SDK Update 3 b06
- Possible to map boolean property to "Y" and "N" values in database?
- postgresql experts please help
- PrePersist method not being called
- PreRemove ConcurrentModificationException
- preventing deadlock
- Primary Key generation type IDENTITY
- Primary Key references entity
- Principles for Project GlassFish
- printing composite/foreign keys in the client
- Problem between MacOSX and Windows
- Problem between MacOSX and Windows (followup)
- Problem binding collections to queries
- Problem comparing dates in JPS QL
- Problem in MetadataHelper
- Problem loading Entity from EJB
- Problem using ManyToMany relationship
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 17:49:56 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 17:24:32 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 17:07:44 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 16:49:34 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 16:45:21 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 16:30:03 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 16:25:35 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 15:28:00 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 15:23:58 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 15:22:41 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 15:18:20 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 14:45:40 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 14:31:14 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 14:28:03 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 14:23:15 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 13:33:50 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 13:21:04 2007)
- Marina Vatkina (Wed Mar 28 13:01:45 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Wed Mar 28 11:46:20 2007)
- Markus Fuchs (Mon Mar 26 14:43:59 2007)
- Romanowski, Tim (Mon Mar 26 13:55:31 2007)
- Problem with _at_AssociationOverride on Embedded ManyToOne Relation
- problem with _at_ManyToMany collection based relationship merge
- Problem with Committing a transaction
- Problem with Entity Manager
- Problem with inheritance...
- Problem with OneToMany
- Problem with sequence generation
- Problem with TemporalType.DATE
- problem with use of multibyte in certain cases using gfv2 toplink
- Problems Committing the DB Transaction narrowed, but not solved
- Problems Mapping Map
- Problems with optimistic concurrency?
- Problems with shared cache
- Programmatically define persistence properties (url, usr, pwd, driver,...)
- property acess type error in orm.xml descriptor
- Proposal for enhancing EPT testing environment
- Proposed code changes for generating ddl for identity columns
- Proposed fix for issue 256
- Proposed fix for issue 380
- Proprietary Optimization
- Provider is giving problem
- PU resolution for _at_PersistenceContext/_at_PersistenceUnit with no unitName
- Putting a few question marks in a query (doesn't work)
- Q about the fix for 1030
- Query IN Clause: Dynamic Number of Parameters
- Query is crashing -- but why?
- Query Pagination, setFirstResult, setMaxResults looking for getTotalResults
- query returning null data
- query returns null values after 1st record
- Query selecting relationship field not retuning null (issue 637)
- Question
- Question about "switching" JTA datasources in glassfish when using Toplink
- Question about code in StandardSequence.createVector() related to a posting in GF Discussion Forum
- Question about constructor expression in the Java Persistent query language
- Question about ddl files that are created
- Question about delete issue 674
- Question about EJBQL HAVING clause
- Question about EJBQL HAVING clause requirements
- Question about EJBQL queries with multiple expressions in the SELECT clause
- Question about ForeignKeyConstraints
- Question about generated SQL for a JPQL query using a COUNT aggregate on a joined variable
- Question about input parameters for native queries
- Question about issue 1391 - Java2DB generates Wrong primary key type in JOINED strategy
- question about object relationships
- Question about promoted build / glassfish SNAPSHOT image
- Question about Query.setFirstResult/setMaxResult
- Question about the state of entities at rollback
- question on entity relation. - unidirectional
- question on entity relationships
- question on List\Arrays &ArrayList
- Question: Relationship between TopLink and TopLink Essentials aka Glassfish persistence
- Questions about 1597 implementation
- questions about fixing issue 924
- Questions about the implementation of the persistence technology
- Questions on Toplink 4 Deployment
- re : Not detached after use EntityManager's query in non-transactional mode
- Re1: [Fwd: [Issue 1021] OneToMany Cascade Persist Failure due to Insert Order]
- Re1: Code review for: [Issue 1107] Logger defined by a property doesn't work]
- Re1: Fix for issue 1139 "cascade merge"
- Re1: Fix for issue 702
- Re1: fixing issue 634?
- Re1: Re1: Code review for: [Issue 1107] Logger defined by a property doesn't work]
- Re1: Recursive relationship
- Re1: solution for issue 998?
- Re1: Strings duplications in TopLink code
- Re2: Native Queries
- Recent changes to PersistenceUnitProcessor
- Recent issues about lazy loading
- Recommendation - on Id/Embedable ID classes
- Recursion
- Recursive relationship
- redundant joins in Toplink Essentials
- reference to java.beans.Introspector
- Regarding mysql - class not found from toplink
- Relationships
- Reminder: adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- Remove persistent object from collection: Best practice
- Remove Problem
- Remove Problem [Solved]
- Remove some children of entity
- removing item from collection
- REquest for review of code changes
- RES: TopLink and PostGreSQL exception: please I need help
- RESEND [Fwd: EJB/ Toplink Query]
- Resend: Fix for issue 860
- Resource names of the orm mappings
- Result of a native query with SqlResultSetMapping
- retrieving data from two related entities(table)
- Retrive autoincrement value with MySQL connector 5.1
- review fix for 924
- Review fix for issue #3209
- Roadmap for TopLink essentials?
- RollbackException
- row updates outside of JPA not reflected in JPA
- RSVP -Premature end of file error
- Running entity-persistence-tests on derby
- Safe DDL generation with injection
- SAXParser conflict with JPA in Sun Application Server 9
- Scenario where the user wants to get the value GenerationType.SEQUENCE and getting value
- schema and catalog attributes of _at_Table
- Seam On Glassfish
- Seams to provide audited persistence?
- select after insert issue
- select option
- Self-referencing manytomany relationship
- Serializable Entities
- setFirstResult/setMaxResults in memory?
- setparameter x2
- Setting persistence.xml properties programmatically
- setting persistence.xml property programmatically
- Setting the EntityManagerFactory from a configuration file
- setting two parameters
- Shared entities - Container-managed persitence
- Should not we also have fieldTypeMappings for byte[] and char[]
- Should not we also have fieldTypeMappings for byte[] and char[]]
- Should the foreign key be set automatically when an element is added to a Collection?
- Simple collections
- Simple foreign keys
- single access type for entire hierarchy?
- Single persistence unit spread over multiple files
- solicitud de baja
- solution for issue 998?
- Solved - my fault - Foreign key as part of compound key and one-to-many relationship
- Some question regarding JPA
- Some questions about HardWeak/SoftWeak cache
- Some tests in JUnitEJBQLDateTimeTestSuite failed on Oracle
- specifying default values via JPA
- specifying sequence starting number in DescriptorCustomizer
- Split a filed in entity bean?
- SQL Parameter Binding - how to enable?
- SQL-Scripts
- SQLAnywherePlatform
- SQLAnywherePlatform naming
- SQLAnywherePlatform Status Update
- SQLException running EJBQL query selecting association field
- SqlResultSetMapping entity and scalar types with toplink-essentials does not work for me
- Stale data in the TopLink cache
- stand-alone & portable clients -ejb3
- standalone persistence packaging
- Standalong ejb3
- status for issue 136
- Storing Binary Data
- Storing EntityManager in a session.
- strange side effect of recent change to Persistence.java while using TopLink Essentials
- String Persistence Strategies
- Strings duplications in TopLink code
- sun application server 9.1
- SV: _at_OneToMany problem
- Syntax for "IN" parameter
- Table schema updates in JPA
- TABLE SEQUENCE already exists
- Target milestone for bugs fixed in the trunk
- Technologies with version
- Test case for GF bug 3233
- Test message
- test required for bug3827 fix
- testAnyAndAll in entity-persistence-test Is failing...
- testing persistence in maven
- testPessimisticLockHintStartsTransaction fails on Derby
- The context root of an EAR application
- The entity class must be a top-level class.
- The latest changes to MetadataProcessor?
- The OptimisticLockException is related to Session Cache of Toplink Essentials
- There are JPA questions waiting to be answered in GF forum
- This is a test - ignore
- thread-safety
- threads and transactions
- Timestamp and _at_Temporal
- Tomcat
- Topink Essentials reported bug
- TopLink and PostGreSQL exception: please I need help
- TopLink and quoted database identifiers
- TopLink BUG. Broken cascading deletes.
- Toplink cascade with embedded id and autoincrement
- TopLink Cluster Documentation
- Toplink EJB and cascade persistence
- TopLink equivalent to Hibernate delete-orphan cascade type
- TopLink Essential and GlassFish V2 cluster awareness
- TopLink Essentials broken cascading delete
- TopLink Essentials broken cascading delete.
- TopLink help from someone at Sun]
- Toplink HSQL
- Toplink is using a sequence for Microsoft SQL Server?
- TopLink native query issues
- toplink schema generation - for development only?
- TopLink tries to initialize classes while loading
- TOPLINK-45 error - how to join two entities via an alternate key (vs. a primary key)
- TOPLINK-7244
- toplink.ddl-generation set to create-tables, but tables are also being dropped!
- toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode database not working?
- toplink/eclipselink explicit boolean mapping issue
- TopLink/PostGres table creation issues...
- TopLink: Data retrieval after EM closed, bug?
- Transaction bug?
- Transaction flow problem using _at_TransactionAttribute
- Transaction isolation control
- Transaction isolation level
- transient properties
- Translating queries for different database engines
- Trting to add new child entity; getting OptimisticLockException
- Trying to add new child entity; getting OptimisticLockException
- Trying to connect to Remote ession Bean from JSF backing bean
- two connections with a persistence unity
- Two More Ask the Expert Questions
- Unable to deploy Java Persistence Example ex1-ee.ear using latest trunk build
- unanswered forum question regarding connection pool configuration in Java SE
- Unchecked Conversion
- Understanding of Static Weaving
- Undo a change made to DerbyPlatform
- Unexpected close of EM
- Unexpected token: ORDER
- Uni-directional OneToMany entity mapping
- Unidirectional OneToMany
- Unintelligible error "String index out of range: 3"
- Unwanted unique constraint on join table
- UPDATE after SELECT when executing em.find
- Update on: HEADS UP: Vendor-specific persistence properties changes
- update target milestone when fixing bugs
- Update: Problems binding null to parameter for an IMAGE column on mssqlserver
- UpdateAllQueryAdvancedJunitTest in entity-persistence-tests?
- Updated Objects Are Not Being Persisted
- Updates to persistence pages
- Upgrading GlassFish v3 to EclipseLink 2.0.2
- urgent help needed
- Urgent: "Can not PERSIST detatched object" exception
- Urgent: Toplink out-of-container with EJB3 and with own TransactionController but without JNDI
- URL handling in Toplink Essential
- Use multiple entitymanagers
- Use of Lazy Loading when EntityManager closed?
- Use of NamedQuery annotation in MappedSuperclass
- Use of parameters in IN statement
- Use same persistence unit in ejb and web tier
- Useful feature
- User problems
- Using binary operators with Timestamp fields in EJBQL
- using composition with JPA
- Using EM within transactions
- Using EntityManager.merge to create new persistent entities?
- using generated value with a non Id field
- using jpa on existing databases
- using jpa on existing databases - errata corridge
- using toplink in CMP
- Validation of XML DD for persistence api
- ValueHolder
- version attribute missing in persistence_1_0.xsd
- Version updates in TopLink
- VersionLockingPolicy.setIsCascaded()
- Visibility of setter method for id field
- Vista, Jee5, sql2000 &sql2005
- Want Fame? We need a Java Persistence Duke...
- war not see ejb jar...
- WARNING: "IOP00810257: (MARSHAL) Could not load class mypackage.MyClass"
- Way to specify default schema for entire persistence unit?
- WG: mappedBy problem in subclasses
- What are the TopLink specific properties user can specify inside persistence.xml?
- What are the TopLink specific properties user can specify insidepersistence.xml?
- What are the TopLink specific properties user can specifyinsidepersistence.xml?
- What constraints on Pre EntityListener methods
- What criteria does TopLink use to 'cache' entities to avoiding re-executing SQL to find an object?
- What if part of the Primary Key is a Foreign Key?
- What is createDDL.jdbc?
- what is the use of defaultSession?
- What is the use of oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider.class?
- What is wrong in this relationship?
- what Java type to use for derby DATE?
- what Java type to use for derby DATE? - never mind
- When is Java2DB feature going to support Derby?
- When is TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy going to be supported?
- Where is my persistence unit?
- Where is the latest promoted source
- Which JPA Implementations work?
- Why auto-increment field keeps value after rollback?
- Why does EntityManager.merge() return a reference and persist() doesn't?
- Why does issue #610 says it is fixed in 9.0pe
- Why does this line appear in spec?
- Why does user have to use schemaLocation?
- why Embeddable and MappedSuperclass are required in persistence.xml file?
- Why is there no need to close a Query?
- Wiki page for Architecture Documents for GlassFish Community.
- Workaround for Showstopper needed
- xml validation turned on for persistence.xml and mapping xml from b42
- Your last post for bug 3218