Crafting the correct Query

From: Woods, Michael G <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 16:30:30 -0400

In my following project, the Users are in (multiple) Teams and Tasks are
assigned both a User and Team. I'm having a problem crafting a query
that will return Tasks assigned to each Team the User is in, whether
assigned directly to that User or not.


After trying numerous queries, many resulting in some form of syntax
error or Exception thrown because it didn't like the IndirectList type
and was expecting another type (Team), I've run out of ideas.


I have a User object and am able to get all Tasks assigned just fine,
however going the extra step and getting all Tasks associated to the
Teams the User is in does not work. Returning collections via
user.getTaskCollection() then a teams.getTaskCollection() works just
fine, though I need to perform this as a query due to certain other


Is there a query that should get this done, or does the code need to be
changed a bit? I've included some bits below:





    @Column(name = "USERNAME", nullable = false)

    private String username;


    ...other generic User data...


    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "assigneduser")

    private java.util.Collection <Task> taskCollection;



    private java.util.Collection <Team> teamCollection;



    @JoinColumn(name = "ASSIGNEDUSER")


    private Users assigneduser;


    @JoinColumn(name = "TEAMID", referencedColumnName="TEAMID")


    private Team team;



    @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="teamid_gen")

    @Column(name = "TEAMID", nullable = false)

    private BigDecimal teamid;


    @Column(name = "NAME")

    private String name;


    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "team")

    private java.util.Collection <Task> taskCollection;



    @JoinTable(name = "team_users",

               joinColumns = {_at_JoinColumn(name = "TEAMID",
referencedColumnName = "TEAMID")},

               inverseJoinColumns = {_at_JoinColumn(name = "USERNAME",
referencedColumnName = "USERNAME")})

    private java.util.Collection <Users> userCollection;



