Can you give me an example?
Continuing with my example of the Person entity class, the Person entity has
this relationship:
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "personIdCollection")
private Collection<Address> addressIdCollection;
In my construction of the adhoc Person query using the ExpressionBuilder how
do I create an expression and add it to the rest of the query expression
where I want to append:
AND Person addressIdCollection contains some Address object
Gordon Yorke-2 wrote:
> Great, You shouldn't need to access the JoinTable columns simply use
> "anyOf()" on the ManyToMany relationship and TopLink will do the joins
> for you. If you have non-relation fields on the table then you can
> create DirectQueryKeys to represent the fields and then use the "get()"
> functionality of the expression.
> Using the TopLink Expression Framework is a great option especially in
> your case where you want to create dynamic queries.
> The TopLink Expression Framework is a specification extension provided
> by TopLink. Other Providers may have similar functionality but will use
> different interfaces and patterns.
> The way you have chosen to create a query is a great way to create a
> query.
> --Gordon
> sonavor wrote:
>> I was able to solve my ORDER BY issue using the Toplink
>> ExpressionBuilder.
>> To do that I had to switch from using -
>> javax.persistence.Query q = (
>> (oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManager)
>> em.getDelegate()).createQuery(exp, Person.class);
>> To using a Toplink ReadAllQuery -
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ReadAllQuery readAllQuery = new
>> ReadAllQuery(Person.class);
>> Since the ExpressionBuilder, Expression and ReadAllQuery classes are all
>> from oracle.toplink.essentials I am locking my solution to Toplink.
>> Anyway, the dynamic query now works great with the ORDER BY that I
>> wanted.
>> The Expression building part of my code is identical to the previous
>> posting. It is actually in its own method called
>> "createAdhocAllPersonQuery". So with my main Expression object named
>> "exp"
>> built up the change in the query implementation is as shown below -
>> Expression exp = createAdhocAllPersonQuery(srchPerson);
>> ReadAllQuery readAllQuery = new ReadAllQuery(Person.class);
>> readAllQuery.addAscendingOrdering("lastName");
>> readAllQuery.addAscendingOrdering("firstName");
>> readAllQuery.addAscendingOrdering("midInitial");
>> readAllQuery.setSelectionCriteria(exp);
>> readAllQuery.prepareForExecution();
>> // Session is from
>> oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.Session;
>> Session session = (
>> (oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManager)
>> em.getDelegate()).getActiveSession();
>> if (session != null) {
>> List<Person> results = (List)
>> session.executeQuery(readAllQuery);
>> if (results != null) {
>> for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
>> Person p = (Person);
>> // do stuff with Person object here
>> pList.add(p);
>> }
>> }
>> }
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