Re: Changing entity-persistence-tests to add test cases for issue #1074, #1131

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:09:44 -0700

Hi Sahoo,

When you checkin these changes. Can you please copy/paste the summary
below to readme file. It would be a good reference.


Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I am working on adding test cases for issue #1074 (mapping files are
> not searched in Classpath) and issue #1131 (orm.xml in referenced jar
> is not processed). Instead of adding new test cases, I thought I
> should modify the existing packaging plans and persistence units.
> Attached here with are the changes.
> Change summary:
> Current test set up:
> -----------------------
> 1. build produces *3* jar files, viz:
> toplink-essentials-tests.jar,
> toplink-essentials-ddl-generation-tests.jar and
> toplink-essentials-validation-tests.jar.
> 2. In addition to containing all the Junit tests and framework
> classes, toplink-essentials-tests.jar contains
> all the model classes except validationfailed/** and
> xml/merge/inherited/**.
> 3. persistence.xml is packaged in toplink-essentials-tests.jar.
> 4. All the mapping files from config/META-INF dir are packaged in
> toplink-essentials.jar.
> New
> ------
> 1. build produces *6* jar files, viz:
> toplink-essentials-tests.jar,
> toplink-essentials-annotation-model-tests.jar,
> toplink-essentials-xml-only-model-tests.jar,
> toplink-essentials-xml-merge-model-tests.jar,
> toplink-essentials-ddl-generation-tests.jar and
> toplink-essentials-validation-tests.jar.
> Contents of toplink-essentials-validation-tests.jar and
> toplink-essentials-ddl-generation-tests.jar remain unchanged.
> 2. *toplink-essentials-tests.jar* contains *only* JUnit tests and
> framework classes (i.e. classes belonging to
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/tests and
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/framework packages). It does not
> contain any model classes or XML files.
> Model classes are packaged in three different files:
> *a) toplink-essentials-annotation-model-tests.jar* includes
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/ classes excluding
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/** and
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/validationfailed/**.
> *b) toplink-essentials-xml-only-model-tests.jar* includes
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/, but excludes
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/merge/**
> *c) toplink-essentials-xml-merge-model-tests.jar* includes
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/merge/, but excludes
> oracle/toplink/essentials/testing/models/cmp3/xml/merge/inherited/**
> as these excluded classes are packaged in
> toplink-essentials-ddl-generation-tests.jar.
> 3. persistence.xml is
> now packaged in toplink-essentials-annotation-model-tests.jar. So,
> this becomes new PU Root. We now use <jar-file> element in
> persistence.xml as shown below to reference model classes from other
> two jars:
> <jar-file>toplink-essentials-xml-only-model-tests.jar</jar-file>
> <jar-file>toplink-essentials-xml-merge-model-tests.jar</jar-file>
> 4. Out of the 10 mapping files in config/META-INF/, only orm.xml is
> packaged in toplink-essentials-annotation-model-tests.jar. Other
> mapping files are distributed among
> toplink-essentials-xml-only-model-tests.jar and
> toplink-essentials-xml-merge-model-tests.jar.
> 5. To test issue #1131, while packaging one of the mapping files in
> referenced jar file, I am renaming it to orm.xml. See build.xml for
> more details.
> 6. I have broken config/META-INF/orm.xml into two mappings files, one
> called orm.xml and another called inheritance-entity-mappings.xml.
> This helps us making sure that we are able to process orm.xml from
> each URL separately.
> With this change, all the tests have passed. You can also build
> yourself to see the new structure. Let me know your comments.
> Chris,
> I saw a comment made by you in persistence.xml while fixing issue
> #589. Can you please review this change to make sure that regression
> test case for issue #589 is not lost.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo