RE: PersistenceInfo.getJarFiles() returning URL

From: Mike Keith <>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:15:58 -0500

Works for me.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Shannon []
> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:09 PM
> To:
> Cc: Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo; Qingqing Ouyang; Michael Keith;
> Subject: Re: PersistenceInfo.getJarFiles() returning URL
> Let me try. How about this:
> /**
> * Returns a List of URLs for the
> * jar files or exploded jar file directories that the
> * persistence provider must examine for managed classes of
> * the persistence unit. Each URL corresponds to a named
> * &lt;jar-file&gt; element in the persistence.xml file.
> * The URLs will either be a file: URL referring to a jar
> * file or referring to a directory that contains an exploded
> * jar file, or some other URL from which an InputStream in
> * jar format can be obtained.
> *
> * @return a List of URL objects referring to jar files
> or directories
> */
> public List<URL> getJarFileUrls();
> /**
> * Returns the URL for the jar file or
> * directory that is the root of the persistence unit. (If the
> * persistence unit is rooted in the WEB-INF/classes directory,
> * this will be the URL of that directory.)
> * The URL will either be a file: URL referring to a jar
> * file or referring to a directory that contains an exploded
> * jar file, or some other URL from which an InputStream in
> * jar format can be obtained.
> *
> * @return a URL referring to a jar file or directory
> */
> public URL getPersistenceUnitRootUrl();
> You *really* have to fix these javadocs so that they don't
> start with @return...