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Jordan Thompson wrote:
> How do I get off of this forum???? I cannot find anywhere to remove
> myself from the glassfish forum pages.
> thanks,
> Jordan
> On Feb 7, 2008 1:02 PM, Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>JPA 1.0 does not allow this. It should be nice to have this working.
>>Work on JPA 2.0 is under way. You can send a comment to JPA2.0 expert
>>group (jsr-317-comments_at_jcp.org)to add this feature to the spec.
>>Christian Kerwer wrote:
>>>Hi everyone
>>>I'm trying to bind a collection of Ids into a Query like this:
>>>Select p from Project p where p.id IN (:IdList)
>>>with IdList as Array of Long and field p.id of type Long.
>>>It will be quitted with the following exception:
>>>You have attempted to set a value of type class [Ljava.lang.Long; for
>>>parameter planningObjectIdList with expected type of class
>>>java.lang.Long from query string select planObjStrLnk from
>>>PlanningObjectStructureLink planObjStrLnk where
>>>planObjStrLnk.planningClassStructure.id = :planningClassStructureId
>>>and planObjStrLnk.planningObject.id in (:planningObjectIdList)
>>>Any Idea?
>>>Christian Kerwer