Re: Issue 134 - _at_Column attributes are ignored during java2db

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:04:31 -0800

Hi King
  Thanks for Ur comments. My comments are inline.

King Wang wrote:

> Hi Pramod,
> There are some issues on your changes:
> 1. If there is @Column defined and the value is passed from a
> Databasefield object, your change will only set the type name on the
> field definition, but omit all those setter calls(PK, and those you
> just added allowNull, unique) which should be called no matter if
> @Column annotation is defined. The new filed definition would lose
> some data passed through the database field.
Yes U are right.

> 2. I am not sure if this setting is right:
> fieldDef.setSize(dbField.getLength());
> dbField.length is the field column name size (in Oracle, the limit
> is 30 for column size). field definition size is the size of the field
> itself (e.g. Varchar2 size 255). Those are two different things.
In the EJB3.0 spec the length field deals only with the length Pof a
String field(default being 255), whereas the scale, precision fields are
for decimal fields. So atleast from the code that I saw in
did not think that the dbField.length had to do with the column size.
Tom, can U comment on this.

> 3. We may want to always set the size and subsize passed through the
> database field, regardless the field type. Default value ("-1") would
> be set for some non-applied types, but that should be ok.

Refer to point 2, for the difference in getting the size for a String
and decimal field.

> King
I have attached just the changed method below :
private FieldDefinition getFieldDefFromDBField(DatabaseField dbField,
boolean isPrimaryKey) {
       FieldDefinition fieldDef = (FieldDefinition)

       if (fieldDef == null) {
           //not built yet, build one
           fieldDef = new FieldDefinition();

           if (dbField.getColumnDefinition().length() > 0) {
           } else {
               Class fieldType = dbField.getType();

               if ((fieldType == null) || (!fieldType.isPrimitive() &&
== null))) {
                   //TODO: log a warning for inaccessiable type or not
convertable type.
"field_type_set_to_java_lang_string", dbField.getQualifiedName(),

                   //set the default type (lang.String) to all
un-resolved java type, like null, Number, util.Date, NChar/NType, Calendar
                   //sql.Blob/Clob, Object, or unknown type). Please
refer to bug 4352820.

               } else {
                   //need to convert the primitive type if applied.

           if (fieldType.getName().equals("java.lang.String")) {
          } else if (fieldType.getName().equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) {
          fieldMap.put(dbField, fieldDef);
      return fieldDef;
