Re: what is the use of defaultSession?

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:37:33 -0400

Hi Sahoo,

  This method is more commonly used in the non-JPA version of TopLink.

  I believe the only interaction it will have with a persistence unit
called "default" is that it will return the underlying session from that
persistence unit when called.


Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:

>SessionManager has a field called defaultSession defined as shown below:
>public class SessionManager {
> ...
> protected AbstractSession defaultSession;
> ...
>This gets initialized on demand by some code that looks like this:
> public Session getDefaultSession() {
> if (defaultSession == null) {
> defaultSession = getSession("default");
> }
> return defaultSession;
> }
>What is the use of this defaultSession? Is it documented anywhere? Will
>it interfere with user's persistence unit named as *default*?
