- 3 entity-persistence-tests fail on a new Derby instance
- [Fwd: [Issue 879] New - Improvements required to Cascade remove on ManyToMany]
- [Fwd: [Issue 928] Positional parameters for NamedNativeQuery]
- [Fwd: [Issue 990] New - ? AND # SYMBOLS CAN'T BE USED IN NATIVE QUERY]
- [Fwd: [Issue 998] Logging integration with GF happens too late]
- [Fwd: connection timeout]
- [Fwd: EJB/ Toplink Query]
- [Issue 756] Cache-related query hints have no effect?
- [Issue 914] Bidirectional ManyToMany broken
- [New Subject] Issue 699
- a few questions
- Additional Check-in for bug 682
- Additional Check-in for bug 980
- Build status page
- Caching-Between-Transactions
- can we talk?
- Code change for Issue 805 : Postgresql and non-default schema
- Code changes for issues 612 and 901
- Code changes relevant to Issue 283 - PostgreSQL database and SERIAL field
- code reivew for issue 743
- code review for 937
- code review for issue #1031
- code review for issue #831
- Code review for issue 1003
- Code review for issue 691
- code review for issue 743
- collection of primitive and the spec...
- Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse
- connection timeout
- Disable TopLink caching
- Doc'ing Issue #831
- Does TopLink not share the same embeddable class descriptor?
- Entities and monitoring
- entity-persistence check-in
- entity-persistence update
- Forum posts about native queries with parameters
- forum question on ordered list
- glassfish issues 600, 832, 887
- Have toplink code drop the tables from the database based on the old drop file
- how to map NVARCHAR2 columns
- How to prevent stack overflow
- How to write descriptor for [java.util.ArrayList]
- I want to contribute MaxDB support
- Idea for optimistic concurrency extension
- java.net Forums
- Justifications for rule #3 & #4
- Merging for UR1
- Misleading message
- Named Queries
- Non-entity class attributes
- Object is not written to the database....
- Order By
- Order By in Query
- Outer joins for secondary tables?
- part of an embedded object is read-only...
- Passivating an EM
- Please review fix for issue 969 (obsolete warning)
- Principles for Project GlassFish
- Problem in MetadataHelper
- Problem with inheritance...
- Question about input parameters for native queries
- questions about fixing issue 924
- RESEND [Fwd: EJB/ Toplink Query]
- review fix for 924
- Should the foreign key be set automatically when an element is added to a Collection?
- solution for issue 998?
- Storing Binary Data
- Technologies with version
- testAnyAndAll in entity-persistence-test Is failing...
- TopLink Cluster Documentation
- Use of NamedQuery annotation in MappedSuperclass
- Useful feature
- Version updates in TopLink
- what is the use of defaultSession?
- What is the use of oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider.class?
- Why does this line appear in spec?
- why Embeddable and MappedSuperclass are required in persistence.xml file?
- Wiki page for Architecture Documents for GlassFish Community.
- Last message date: Tue Aug 29 09:58:12 2006
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:59:06 2017 PDT