Hi Mike,
Thanks for a prompt reply. Glad to know that we have *finally* agreed.
Let me try to explain the rationale behind rule #3 & #5 as I felt you
are not totally convinced by them. I know I don't have to do it since we
have already agreed, but I just think this needs to be done so that we
can clarify this in the future spec.
*Rule #3:* It was added to avoid surprises that may be caused to users
for a use case like this:
@Embeddable public class C {
// has no metadata. It has two fields, but one property!
int i; int j;
int getI() { return i;}
void setI(int i) { this.i = i;}
@Entity public class A {
@Id String id; // entity class uses FIELD access
@Embedded C c;
@Entity public class B {
String id;
C c;
@Id String getId() { return id} // entity class uses PROPERTY access
void setId(String id) { this.id = id;}
@Embedded C getC() { return c;}
void setC(C c) { this.c = c;}
If we allow this use case, then Class C will have two different
persistence views in the same PU. From A's point of view, it has two
persistence fields. From B's point of view, it has one persistence
property. I sincerely think, this kind of inconsistent sharing should be
disallowed. User could have easily annotated either a field or property
of C and that would have *not only* allowed sharing of the embeddable in
A & B, it would *also* have provided a consistent view of C to both the
enclosing entity classes. Or user could have had two different
embeddable classes if she wanted two different database representations.
Of course, we can write extensive verification logic that checks for
inconsistencies, but as you said the use case is so weak that I don't
see any good reasons to write them.
*Rule #4:* This use case leads to similar confusion that arises when
both fields and properties are annotated in a class. So having this rule
avoids more *complex* rules. The current overriding rules are already
quite *complex*. I *can't* write a program that uses mapping xml without
having the spec in front of me. IMHO overriding of metadata using XML is
supposed to be *sparingly* used. For such a small number of users, why
should make the spec overly complex?
Thanks & regards,
Mike Keith wrote:
> Sahoo,
> Rules 1 and 2, and 5 are great.
> Rule 3 is not what I thought we were doing but the use case is so weak
> to doing it the other way in any case that I am perfectly fine with this rule.
> Rule 4 is fine for now. My plan has always to provide a way to override the
> access type in XML, but I don't think that has been done yet in the entity, so
> it is not needed in embeddables yet, either.
> In summary, full steam ahead...
> Thanks for your patience and diligence on this one, Sahoo.
> -Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM]On Behalf Of
>> Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:52 PM
>> To: Marina Vatkina; Mike Keith; Tom Ware
>> Cc: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net; Linda.Demichiel_at_Sun.COM
>> Subject: Re: code review for issue #831
>> Mike, Tom, Marina,
>> The modified rules are in the javadoc of the following method which is
>> going to be used to decide access-type of an embeddable class. Please
>> review it and get back soon. AccessType is defined like this:
>> /**
>> * This method is responsible for determining the
>> access-type for an
>> * Embeddable class represented by emDescr that is passed to
>> * this method. This method should *not* be called more
>> than once as
>> this is
>> * quite expensive. Now the rules:
>> *
>> * Rule 1: In the *absence* of metadata in embeddable class,
>> access-type of
>> * an embeddable is determined by the access-type of the enclosing
>> entity.
>> *
>> * Rule 2: In the presence of metadata in embeddable class,
>> access-type of
>> * an embeddable is determined using that metadata. This
>> allows sharing
>> * of the embeddable in entities with conflicting access-types.
>> *
>> * Rule 3: It is an error to use a *metadata-less*
>> embeddable class in
>> * entities with conflicting access-types as that might result in
>> * different database mapping for the same embeddable class.
>> *
>> * Rule 4: It is an error if metadata-complete == false, and
>> * metadata is present *both* in annotations and XML, and
>> * access-type as determined by each of them is *not* same.
>> *
>> * Rule 5: It is an error if *both* fields and properties of an
>> embeddable
>> * class are annotated and metadata-complete == false.
>> *
>> * @param emDesc descriptor for the Embeddable class
>> */
>> private AccessType determineAccessTypeOfEmbedded(
>> MetadataDescriptor emDesc) {
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo