- 15 failures running entity-persistence-tests
- 3 entity-persistence-tests fail on a new Derby instance
- [Fwd: [Issue 1074] Regression: TopLink does not serach classpath for mapping files specified in persistence.xml]
- [Fwd: Fix for issue 699 and 702]
- [Issue 1059] New - native queries not being committed
- Add a property to the cmp EJB QL compiler to disable ORDER BY validation
- Any foreign keys with Toplink and Derby ?
- Are there any guidelines for entity-persistence-tests?
- Blog about the cache of TopLink Essentials
- Can't find persistence.xml from applet
- Can't find persistence.xml from web browser
- CMP changes for java2db processing
- Code changes related to reopened issue 283 and PostgreSQL
- Code review for 1218?
- Code review for changes to allow colum aliases in Native Queries
- code review for issue #1042
- code review for issue #377
- code review for issue #925
- Code review for issue 1003
- code review for issue 1053
- code review for issue 550
- code review for issues 1051, 1074, 1115, 1131, 1206
- Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse
- Default DDL generation mode?
- empty NamedQueries annotation?
- Entity manager in web applications
- entity-persistence update
- Fix for issue 1021
- Fix for issue 1139 "cascade merge"
- Fix for issue 702
- Fix mapping of antlr exceptions to EJBQLException class (issue 1163)
- fixing issue 634?
- Forum question about DISTINCT query and field mapped to a Blob column
- Handling impedence mismatch between Object Model and relational model
- Hibernate in Glassfish
- how to map NVARCHAR2 columns
- How to use discriminator type with integer?
- How to use Java logger in Java SE?
- How to use Java logger in Java SE? (including a proposal)
- IdentityHashmaps
- issue #1051: throw exception if mapping file is not found
- issue 1074
- issue 600, 832, 887 case sensitivity
- JDO76607 and JDO76606 with Glassfish b48 and Toplink V2b17
- JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
- JPQL: update fields of embedded instances (issue 1124)
- JPQL: wrong SQL for MEMBER OF query (issue 673)
- Losing dbase connection
- Manifest changes for TopLink Essentials Jar
- ManyToOne: Missing meta data for class [java.lang.String]
- MappedSuperclass
- part of an embedded object is read-only...
- Question about delete issue 674
- Re1: Fix for issue 1139 "cascade merge"
- Re1: Fix for issue 702
- Re1: fixing issue 634?
- Re1: solution for issue 998?
- Roadmap for TopLink essentials?
- schema and catalog attributes of _at_Table
- solution for issue 998?
- thread-safety
- Trting to add new child entity; getting OptimisticLockException
- Trying to add new child entity; getting OptimisticLockException
- Using EM within transactions
- Last message date: Fri Sep 29 08:32:58 2006
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:59:06 2017 PDT