Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:33:25 -0400

Hi Sahoo,

  I think that is a good idea. Do you mind filing an issue?


Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:

>Won't it be better if we write a generic TempEntityLoader that works
>with not just URLClassLoader type of application class loader, but with
>any type of Class Loader? That way we can get rid of most of the code
>from JavaSECMPInitializer.createTempLoader() where the current bug lies.
>The generic loader can also be optimized to only define managed classes
>as does the current implementation of TempEntityLoader.
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>Hi Sahoo,
>> The TempEntityLoader is a classloader we use exclusively for SE-type
>>deployments when we are in a situation where we are able to do dynamic
>>weaving. (for instance: when running a java main method or a Junit
>>test in a situation where it is possible to use the -javaagent
>>argument to enable our agent.)
>> TempEntityLoader has the goal of intercepting the load of class that
>>are annotated as @Entity, @MappedSuperClass, or @Embeddable and
>>loading them in a temporary space. All other class loading is handled
>>by the parent (the current thread's context class loader). The reason
>>we do this is that we need to ensure any classes that may be mapped
>>can be weaved and since weaving occurs at class load time, the classes
>>cannot be loaded in the real class loader when we intially cause them
>>to be loaded.
>> Our initial goal in writing this loader the way it was written was to
>>avoid reloading classes that are allowed to be loaded by the real
>>class loader. By only affecting how a very specific set of classes
>>are loaded, we avoid having to reload the others.
>> The shouldOverrideLoadClassForCollectionMembers is admittedly a
>>poorly named variable. Its goal is to allow a TempEntityLoader to be
>>created that will not override the loading of any classes. I believe
>>that since we currently use the loader only with overriding on, we
>>could avoid using that variable if we wanted to.
>> I do not think the bug is actually in TempEntityLoader. I think the
>>bug is that we are in a situation that we cannot do weaving and we
>>create one at all. I think the fix is to determine we are in that
>>situation and just use the current context loader instead of a new
>>Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>>>Hi Tom,
>>>Thanks for confirming the bug to be in TempEntityLoader.class. That
>>>class seems to be doing a little bit more than just providing a new
>>>class loading namespace. What is
>>>shouldOverrideLoadClassForCollectionMembers in that class? Can you
>>>please tell us what other things that class loader does?
>>>If we need a classloader similar to what is returned by
>>>PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() in Java EE, then I think
>>>we can solve it in a generic way without having to rely on any
>>>environment specific implementation of context ClassLoader by coding
>>>like this:
>>> /**
>>> * This class loader only provides a new class loading namespace
>>> * so that persistence provider can load classes in that separate
>>> * namespace while scanning annotations.
>>> * This class loader delegates all stream handling (i.e. reading
>>> * actual class/resource data) operations to the application class
>>> * It only defines the Class using the byte codes.
>>> */
>>> class TempEntityLoader extends SecureClassLoader {
>>> /**
>>> * The application class loader which is used to read class data.
>>> */
>>> private ClassLoader delegate = null;
>>> /**
>>> * Create a new instance.
>>> * @param applicationCL is the original class loader associated
>>> * with this application. The new class loader uses it to
>>> * stream handling operations. The new class loader also uses
>>> * applicationCL's parent as its own parent.
>>> */
>>> DelegatingClassLoader(EJBClassLoader applicationCL) {
>>> super(applicationCL.getParent()); // normal class loading
>>> this.delegate = applicationCL;
>>> }
>>> /**
>>> * This method uses the delegate to use class bytes and then
>>> * the class using this class loader
>>> */
>>> protected Class findClass(String name) throws
>>>ClassNotFoundException {
>>> InputStream is =
>>> byte[] classBytes = populateClassBytesFromIS(is);
>>> // Define package information if necessary
>>> Class clazz = null;
>>> clazz = defineClass(name, classBytes, 0,
>>>classBytes.length, null);
>>> return clazz;
>>> }
>>> /**
>>> * This method is required as it is called from
>>> */
>>> protected URL findResource(String name) {
>>> return delegate.findResource(name);
>>> }
>>> /**
>>> * This method is required as it is called from
>>> */
>>> protected Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) throws
>>>IOException {
>>> return delegate.findResources(name);
>>> }
>>> }
>>>Let me know what you think.
>>>Tom Ware wrote:
>>>>Daniel, Sahoo,
>>>>I agree, it's likely a bug. Just to let you know, here is what is
>>>>happening where we see the issue:
>>>>We are trying to load com.acxiom.RapidusIG.Campaign in a temporary
>>>>class loader we have created. We create taht class loader because
>>>>in an SE style deployment we have to build our own
>>>>PersistenceUnitInfo object that allows the use of that temporary
>>>>loader. That temporary loader is our own sublcass of URLClassLoader
>>>>that uses the classpath of the current thread's context class loader
>>>>as its classpath. Apparently in JBoss, that does not give us a
>>>>classpath capable of loading Campaign.
>>>>The reason for the use of this temporary loader is to enable weaving
>>>>of LAZY one-one variables in a dynamic manner. In the context of a
>>>>non-JPA compliant application server, that kind of dynamic weaving
>>>>will not be possible for us anyway (a static weaving strategy works
>>>>better). As a result, we should simply allow the creation of this
>>>>temporary loader to be disabled with a persistence unit property.
>>>>We already detect this situation when running on TomCat, so it
>>>>should be fairly simple to make a change to allow this to work on
>>>>Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>>>>>Then it sounds like a bug to me. May be some wrong class loader is
>>>>>used to load that class and failing. Please file a bug. Attach a
>>>>>test case if possible.
>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote:
>>>>>>Even with the entities themselves inside of the Rapidus.jar, we
>>>>>>get the
>>>>>>ClassNotFound error. I attached the new stacktrace.
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM] Sent:
>>>>>>Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:07 PM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
>>>>>>Packaging Entities.jar inside Rapidus.jar is not going to work.
>>>>>>Packaging Entities.jar parallel to Rapidus.jar will work, but you
>>>>>>have to set up appropriate Class-Path manifest so that classes
>>>>>>packaged in Entities.jar are visible to Rapidus.jar. Instead of
>>>>>>going into that complexity, can you try the simpler option of
>>>>>>packaging content of Entities.jar inside Rapidus.jar?
>>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote:
>>>>>>>Yes, I really didit is not bad formatting. At first it wasn't it was
>>>>>>>the Rapidus.ear, but at that point, the entities couldn't even be
>>>>>>>instantiated normally in the code.
>>>>>>>So, to answer your question, I tried it both ways.
>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>From: Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM] Sent:
>>>>>>>Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:22 AM
>>>>>>>Subject: Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
>>>>>>>Have you really packaged Entities.jar inside Rapidus.jar or is it
>>>>>>>bad formatting?
>>>>>>>Have you tried packaging the contents of Entities.jar inside
>>>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote:
>>>>>>>>This is probably too much information, but I think I covered all
>>>>>>>> META-INF
>>>>>>>> Rapidus.jar (contains CampaignManager.class)
>>>>>>>> META-INF
>>>>>>>> Persistence.xml
>>>>>>>> ejb-3_0-api.jar
>>>>>>>> Entities.jar (contains Campaign.class)
>>>>>>>> ojdbc14.jar
>>>>>>>> toplink-essentials.jar
>>>>>>>> toplink-essentials-agent.jar
>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>From: Tom Ware [] Sent: Tuesday,
>>>>>>>>September 12, 2006 12:59 PM
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
>>>>>>>>Hi Daniel,
>>>>>>>>Can you provide a bit more information.
>>>>>>>>What does the stack trace you are seeing look like?
>>>>>>>>Can you provide the snippet of code you are executing when you
>>>>>>>>see your issue?
>>>>>>>>Can you provide a description of the persistence unit you are
>>>>>>>>deploying and how it is packaged?
>>>>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I think that I understand, but when we try to declare an EMF, it
>>>>>>>>>find the entity classes, even though we can instantiate the
>>>>>>>>>class in
>>>>>>>>>code normally. It is like it doesn't see the classes that are
>>>>>>>>>in the
>>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>From: Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM]
>>>>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:46 AM
>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
>>>>>>>>>By Java SE mode I mean that you'll create EMF using Persistence
>>>>>>>>>and won't have container-managed EM/EMF.
>>>>>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>So you are saying that it's possible to package the JPA stuff
>>>>>>>>>>application and use it, but only in Java SE? I am not sure what
>>>>>>>>>>mode means, pertaining to Jboss.
>>>>>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>From: Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM]
>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 6:41 PM
>>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: JPA in Jboss 4.0.4 non EJB3
>>>>>>>>>>You can use it most probably only in a Java SE mode (as in any
>>>>>>>>>>non-EJB3 compliant container).
>>>>>>>>>>Trimble Daniel - dtrimb wrote On 09/11/06 08:39,:
>>>>>>>>>>>Is there possibly a way that I can use Java Persistence in a non
>>>>>>>>>>>instance of Jboss 4.0.4?
>>>>>>>>>>>Currently I have tried including the jar's inside of the
>>>>>>>>>>>with no luck. I get the following error even though I can
>>>>>>>>>>>the com.acxiom.Entities.Campaign inside of the application :
>>>>>>>>>>>CORBA Error: Exception [TOPLINK-30007] (Oracle TopLink
>>>>>>>>>>>2006.6 (Build 060630)):
>>>>>>>>>>>Description: An exception was thrown while loading class:
>>>>>>>>>>>com.acxiom.Entities.Campaign to check whether it implements
>>>>>>>>>>>@Embeddable, or @MappedSuperclass.
>>>>>>>>>>>Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>>>>>It seems like Toplink is having trouble finding my classes even
>>>>>>>>>>>they ARE there available.
>>>>>>>>>>>Daniel Trimble
>>>>>>>>>>>The information contained in this communication is confidential,
>>>>>>>>>>>intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and
>>>>>>>>>>>may be
>>>>>>>>>>>legally privileged.
>>>>>>>>>>>If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you
>>>>>>>>>>>hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
>>>>>>>>>>>copying of
>>>>>>>>>>>communication is strictly prohibited.
>>>>>>>>>>>If you have received this communication in error, please resend
>>>>>>>>>>>communication to the sender and delete the original message
>>>>>>>>>>>or any
>>>>>>>>>>>of it from your computer system.
>>>>>>>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>>>>16:47:57,679 WARN [getCampaign] instantiating campaign manager
>>>>>>>>16:47:57,789 ERROR [SOAPFaultExceptionHelper] SOAP request
>>>>>>>>com.acxiom.RapidusIG.RapidusException: CORBA Error: Exception
>>>>>>>[TOPLINK-30007] (O
>>>>>>>>racle TopLink Essentials - 2006.6 (Build 060630)):
>>>>>>>>Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading class:
>>>>>>>>ntities.Campaign to check whether it implements @Entity,
>>>>>>>or @Mapped
>>>>>>>>Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>Caused by: Exception [TOPLINK-30007] (Oracle TopLink Essentials -
>>>>>>>2006.6 (Build
>>>>>>>>Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading class:
>>>>>>>>ntities.Campaign to check whether it implements @Entity,
>>>>>>>or @Mapped
>>>>>>>>Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> ... 51 more
>>>>>>>>Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at$
>>>>>>>> at Method)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> ... 64 more
>>>>>>>><persistence xmlns=""
>>>>>>>> <persistence-unit name="p1" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
>>>>>>>> <class>com.acxiom.Entities.Campaign</class>
>>>>>>>> <class>com.acxiom.Entities.Universe</class>
>>>>>>>><properties> <!-- Provider-specific connection
>>>>>>>>properties -->
>>>>>>>> <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver"
>>>>>>>> <property name="toplink.jdbc.url"
>>>>>>>> <property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="xxxx"/>
>>>>>>>> <property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="xxxx"/>
>>>>>>>> <!-- Provider-specific settings -->
>>>>>>>> <!-- <property name="toplink.logging.level"
>>>>>>>> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence>
>>>>>>>>12:46:18,053 ERROR [SOAPFaultExceptionHelper] SOAP request
>>>>>>>>com.acxiom.RapidusIG.RapidusException: CORBA Error: Exception
>>>>>>>>[TOPLINK-30007] (O
>>>>>>>>racle TopLink Essentials - 2006.6 (Build 060630)):
>>>>>>>>Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading
>>>>>>>>class: com.acxiom.R
>>>>>>>>apidusIG.Campaign to check whether it implements @Entity,
>>>>>>>>@Embeddable, or @Mappe
>>>>>>>>Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>Caused by: Exception [TOPLINK-30007] (Oracle TopLink Essentials
>>>>>>>>- 2006.6 (Build
>>>>>>>>Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading
>>>>>>>>class: com.acxiom.R
>>>>>>>>apidusIG.Campaign to check whether it implements @Entity,
>>>>>>>>@Embeddable, or @Mappe
>>>>>>>>Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> ... 51 more
>>>>>>>>Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> at$
>>>>>>>> at Method)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> ... 64 more