Re: Re1: fixing issue 634?

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 15:38:40 -0400

Hi Marina,

  I believe this fix should work. I have a couple of
questions/concerns. Perhaps you can make me feel a bit better about them.

1. When I look at the base bug, it appears to me as though we have
isolated the bug to the serialization layer. Perhaps I am missing some
of the internal discussion, but it is not clear to me why we are
choosing to fix this in the TopLink layer. When are we expecting the
base bug to be dealt with? Is this a GlassFish-only issue or a more
general spec issue? If it is a spec issue can someone please give me a
short explanation?

2. The reason that I am concerned is that although I believe the code
will work, it is somewhat inconsistent with what is happening elsewhere
in the EnumTypeConverter. (i.e. convertObjectValueToDataValue now gets
its values in a different way than convertDataValueToObjectValue).

3. If we can deal with those concerns, one thing we will have to do is
add a fairly verbose comment to the code that why we are deviating from
the pattern elsewhere in the TypeConverters and (hopefully) references
bugs in glassfish and, if possible, the spec with the issue.


Marina Vatkina wrote:

>Apparently I forgot about the nulls. Here is the fixed code:
>diff -r1.3
> >
> > /**
> > * Convert Enum object to the data value.
> > */
> > public Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object attributeValue,
>Session session) {
> > if (attributeValue == null) {
> > return super.convertObjectValueToDataValue(null, session);
> > }
> >
> > Enum theEnum = Enum.class.cast(attributeValue);
> > return (m_usesOrdinalValues)? theEnum.ordinal() :;
> > }
> >
>Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>Tom, Team,
>>This issue (
>>is caused
>>by the problem with ORB unmarshalling rules
>>There seems to be an easy solution to solve this bug for TopLink users
>>by adding
>>an override method to EnumTypeConverter that just returns the corresponding
>>value instead of looking it up (and why bother spending time on lookup
>>in this
>>diff -r1.3
>> >
>> > /**
>> > * INTERNAL:
>> > * Convert Enum object to the data value.
>> > */
>> > public Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object
>>attributeValue, Session session) {
>> > Object fieldValue;
>> > Enum theEnum = Enum.class.cast(attributeValue);
>> > return (m_usesOrdinalValues)? theEnum.ordinal() :
>> > }
>> >
>>I verified that it works correctly with the test attached to the issue
>>in both
>>modes (one has been failing without the fix).
>>What do you think?

Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598