The fix for this issue has been made on our end was to be included in the next persistence drop. It is the same fix you proposed.
----- Original Message -----
From: Wonseok Kim
To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 7:37 AM
Subject: code review for issue 1053
Hi, Tom, Marina, other maintainers
Could you review the proposed fix (below) for this issue?
[Issue 1053] TopLink Essentials Persistence Property 'toplink.cache.shared.default' not applied
The fix is simple and I confirmed the fix works in my sample test.
Could you also run the testcase given in the issue description? I don't know how to add this in entity-persistence-test.
- Wonseok
On 11 Sep 2006 11:18:44 -0000, guruwons_at_dev.java.net <guruwons_at_dev.java.net> wrote:
------- Additional comments from guruwons_at_dev.java.net Mon Sep 11 11:18:44 +0000 2006 -------
I propose a fix for this:
* In EntityManagerSetupImpl.updateDescriptorCacheSettings(Map m), sharedMap
contains shared-cache properties without the prefix "toplink.cache.shared .". So
to get "toplink.cache.shared.default" value,
TopLinkProperties.DEFAULT("default") should be used as a key instead of
TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SHARED_DEFAULT("toplink.cache.shared.default ").
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -c -r1.40 EntityManagerSetupImpl.java
src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/EntityManagerSetupImpl.java 7
Sep 2006 19:54:31 -0000 1.40
src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/ejb/cmp3/EntityManagerSetupImpl.java 11
Sep 2006 10:52:43 -0000
*** 374,380 ****
hasDefault = true;
! String defaultSharedString =
(String)sharedMap.remove(TopLinkProperties.CACHE_SHARED_DEFAULT );
Boolean defaultShared = null;
if(defaultSharedString != null) {
defaultShared = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultSharedString);
--- 374,380 ----
hasDefault = true;
! String defaultSharedString =
Boolean defaultShared = null;
if(defaultSharedString != null) {
defaultShared = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultSharedString);
- Wonseok Kim