Hi Sahoo,
Choosing to just warn for an orm.xml file that does not exist was a
design choice. I think both the current behavior and the behavior you
are suggesting are quite reasonable.
We initially chose to only send a warning to allow developers to
continue to work with their persistence unit even if there were some
errors in some of the files. Changing the value
toplink.orm.throw.exceptions should allow the exceptions to actually be
thrown. Is simply documenting this property adequate to fix this issue?
Is there any particular reason why we are choosing to change this default?
Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>Hi Tom,
>I am working on
>https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1051. The current
>behavior is to log a message when mapping file does not exist. I am
>planning to change it to throw an exception by default, but I see some
>entity-persistence-tests failing as they specifically test for the
>current behavior. The persistence.xml has such text:
><!-- this is here for testing purposes - ensures a persistence unit can
>load even with a file that does not exist. Please do not add an xml
>file called: META-INF/non-existant-orm-file.xml -->
>Is there a specific reason behind the current behavior? Can we change it?
>Also, what's this property called toplink.orm.throw.exceptions? I don't
>find any documentation for this property. It is used in current code.