We are working on a roadmap that lays out our plans for TopLink Essentials. We are hopefully going to review this with Sun and get it published in the near future. The goals we plan to address in the roadmap include:
a.. Improved visibility and brand recognition of TopLink Essentials. We need to be growing the community and user base.
b.. High priority ER's filed and voted on in the GF issue tracker
c.. Several Advanced/Extended ORM initiatives that will expose functionality beyond JPA
The success of TopLink Essentials is also dependent upon addressing the bugs and enhancement requests of containers other then GlassFish who are leveraging us. We need to try and address what we can and also try our best to ensure our schedule produces functionality that can be included in these container's releases. Addressing these issues and schedules will be challenging.
Currently I am aware of the following containers including or certifying TopLink Essentials as their JPA implementation:
a.. GlassFish
b.. SunAS
c.. OracleAS
d.. Spring 2.0
e.. JEUS (Tmax Soft)
f.. EasyBeans - JOnAS EJB 3.0 Container
As far as release/milestone dates we are currently working to the GlassFish schedule since TopLink Essentials is a module of this project.
Doug Clarke
Principal Product Manager
Oracle TopLink
-----Original Message-----
From: Wonseok Kim [mailto:guruwons_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 9:09 AM
To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Roadmap for TopLink essentials?
Hi, TopLink team
Someone asked me whether there is a roadmap for TopLink Essentials in Glassfish v2 or v3 in my blog.
"This being said, have you got any idea about future enhancements roadmap for TopLink essentials (~ persistence in Glassfish) ? According to Glassgish v2 roadmap, there is nothing inside v2 about that. So, it looks like users will have to wait for v3 at least... so, at least 2 more years if they wait the final v3 !"
I'm curious too... is there any even tentative plan?
Wonseok Kim
Senior Developer, TmaxSoft