Re: Are there any guidelines for entity-persistence-tests?

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:59:19 -0400

Hi Wonseok,

  We definitely need to add a bit of documentation for developers that
want to work on entity-persistence.

  As you have probably seen, the test framwork is JUnit-based.

  For your cascade merge tests, is it possible to use the existing
models? A wide range of mapping types are available. I'd start with
the advanced model. Are there things missing from the existing models
you need. In general we prefer to only add models if they cover
mappings and mapping combinations that do not exist in the existing models.

  If I were adding cascade merge tests, I might, however add a new test
suite somewhere in the tests package. That suite could either be in one
of the existing packages, or a new package depending on how well it fits.

  As far as table creation is concerned. You are welcome to use any
strategy you want. The requirement is simply that it is possible to run
the test suites over and over again successfully. I suppose, however
this will only be an issue if you are adding a test model.


Wonseok Kim wrote:

> For issue#1139 "cascade merge" I'm trying to add tests to
> entity-persistence-tests framework. But I found that I'm not familiar
> with this test structure.
> Are there any guidelines for adding tests? How about documenting this
> on a wiki page?
> Actually I'd like to add cacade-merge tests but there is no proper
> entity class for the purpose. May I create a package 'cascade' to
> oracle...testing.model.cmp3 and add entities in that package?
> Seeing other entities, ddl-generation property is not being used for
> most entities, so a table creator(like AdvancedTableCreator) is always
> required for new entities, right? (a little tedious job, isn't it?)
> If there is something I should know, please let me know.
> Thanks!
> --
> Wonseok Kim
> Senior Developer, TmaxSoft

Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598