Problem with inheritance...

From: Adam Bien <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:35:02 +0200


I generate entities with annotations (@Id, @Entity) etc.

The coded classes inherit from the generated ones.
Now I have a problem during deployment:

I get either the exception:

Exception [TOPLINK-129] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.4 (Build
060412)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DescriptorException
Exception Description: The set method for the attribute [detailRoleName]
does not take a ValueHolderInterface as its parameter, but the mapping
uses indirection.
Mapping: oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.OneToOneMapping[detailRoleName]

if I mark the concrete-entity as @Entity or:

Test Name : tests.persistence.DefaultProviderVerification
Test Assertion : Test validity of EJB 3.0 persistence unit. This test
tests validity using a portable persistence provider. Please refer to
EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification for further information.
Test Description : For [ template#ejb-jar.jar#null ]
Exception Description: Entity class [class ...EJBSecondDetailBE] has no
primary key specified. It should define either an @Id, @EmbeddedId or an

The primary key is specified, but in the superclass
(AbstractSecondDetailBE). It seems, like the annotations are not

thanks and greetings,
