I discussed the following idea already with craig at the JAOO 2005.
If you detach a persistent entity send it to client, then back, the
"before image" is lost.
In this case you need a version number or timestamp. You can have a
problem, in case you are working with a legacy database - it is often
hard or not allowed to change the schema.
Now the following idea: why not send the before image together with the
As a improvement also only the where statement could be sent over the
wire. This should be sufficient to detect the collisions,
I'm not sure, whether this list is the right place to discuss the things
- but I think such a feature would be unique...
Dipl. Inf. adam bien
BEA Technical Director
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Sun Certified Enterprise Java Architect
Sun Enterprise Java Trainer
Mobile: 0049(0)170 280 3144
eMail: abien_at_adam-bien.com
Homepage: www.adam-bien.com
Weblog: http://www.adam-bien.com/roller/page/abien
Book author:
Enterprise Architekturen
entwickler.press 2006
ISBN: 393504299X
and Enterprise Java Frameworks,
J2EE Patterns, J2EE HotSpots and Struts.