Re: Idea for optimistic concurrency extension

From: Adam Bien <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:27:19 +0200


Craig L Russell schrieb:
> Hi Adam,
> On Aug 9, 2006, at 4:05 AM, Adam Bien wrote:
>> I discussed the following idea already with craig at the JAOO 2005.
>> Problem:
>> If you detach a persistent entity send it to client, then back, the
>> "before image" is lost.
>> In this case you need a version number or timestamp. You can have a
>> problem, in case you are working with a legacy database - it is often
>> hard or not allowed to change the schema.
>> Now the following idea: why not send the before image together with
>> the entity?
>> As a improvement also only the where statement could be sent over the
>> wire. This should be sufficient to detect the collisions,
> Yes, sending the before-image across and maintaining the change list
> in the detached entity would allow you to compare the columns in the
> database with the fields in the before-image (in the WHERE clause of
> the UPDATE statement).
> Of course, this would require using a serialization protocol that
> sends change information along with the state. Which implies that you
> have a specialized readObject/writeObject on both ends of the
> serialization. Which implies that you cannot use the POJO class as-is
> unless you provide this specialized serialization behavior as part of
> your class definition, or have your persistence provider enhance the
> class before use, and install the enhanced class on both client and
> server.

Yes. This is right. But it could be sufficient only to send the
where-clause with already bounded values as String. So we would need
only one additional transient String attribute
to store the query and serialize only this attribute. The where-clause
could be also injected....
>> I'm not sure, whether this list is the right place to discuss the
>> things - but I think such a feature would be unique...
> It's as good a place as any...
> Craig
>> greetings,
>> adam
>> --Dipl. Inf. adam bien
>> BEA Technical Director
>> Sun Certified Java Programmer
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> Craig Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!