Hi Markus. Great, we are very interested in your participation...
Want to start by checking on the Governance document [1], specially the
bit about the SCA [2] and [3].
- eduard/o
Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> This is great! Carla Mott (cc-ed here) will be able to help
> with the logistics. After you are done with those, feel free
> to send your patch for review to this alias. We'll go from there.
> Thanks a lot for your interest,
> -marina
> Markus KARG wrote On 08/14/06 09:40,:
>>Hello Glassfish Community,
>>I started my Glassfish experiences using Java 5 EE SDK (SAS9) and
>>remarked that it doesn't support MaxDB (aka SAPDB). Since this database
>>is essential to my projects, I like to spent some time into contributing
>>MaxDB support for Glassfish. I am a graduated software engineering and
>>an experienced software engineer (coding: 20 years, design: 10 years),
>>also I am a former contributor to the JOnAS server project. Where can I
>>apply for this job? Who is the one to talk to?