sorry but I have a few questions about this left:
During development I am using Eclipse to deploy/redeploy my ear project. Is
there a way to redeploy it via asadmin without knowing an ear/dir path (just
like it is possible to via the web admin console).
The description "If true, and if tables were not automatically created when
this application was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables."
lets me doubt that --dropandcreatetables will work in combination with
eclipse usually doing the deployment. Is it really behaving different than
the "drop-and-create-table" property?
- Klaus
On Thursday 29 November 2007 22:54:49 Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> In GlassFish there is an option to drop and create tables for the Toplink
> Essentials as the JPA provider at application deploy (and drop tables on
> undeploy) time. See GlassFish developer guide for the details:
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3672/gbwlh?a=view
> Regards,
> -marina