The current toplink code requires that a platform be specified. If it is
not specified, it gets defaulted to OraclePlatform.
Peter, Tom, Gordon,
Sun's persistence layer can auto detect database platform using return
value of DataBaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName() and mapping it to
appropriate database platform. It helps in ease of use. There is no need
to change any config file to run against a different database vendor.
Can we integrate similar functionality in Toplink Essentials?
Marina Vatkina wrote:
>Why do you need to specify DerbyPlatform if it is Derby database?
>Mitesh Meswani wrote On 11/30/05 15:51,:
>>Initial support for running against Derby will be available with today's
>>nightly. If you plan to run against Derby, please use DerbyPlatform in
>>your persistence.xml as shown below.
>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>><persistence ..... >
>> <persistence-unit name ="em" >
>> <properties>
>> <property name=""
>> .
>> .
>> </properties>
>> .
>> .
>> </persistence-unit>