RE: [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detect databaseplatform]

From: Gordon Yorke <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:49:00 -0500

    The SQLAnywhere platform does not target a particular driver. It was added to support the different Outer Join behaviour that SQLAnywhere has from Sybase. Historically these platforms have been created at user requests for user required features.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lance.Andersen_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Lance.Andersen_at_Sun.COM]On Behalf Of Lance J. Andersen
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 9:14 AM
To: Gordon Yorke
Cc:; Pramod Gopinath; Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detect databaseplatform]


  Which JDBC driver are you targeting this for as well? There are now multiple for SQLAnywhere and jConnect using TDS in some cases limits some functionality.

  More of a curious question as i dont have the cycles right now to look at the code for toplink to figure this out.

  thank you.


  Gordon Yorke wrote:
    When connecting to SQLAnywhere or SybaseIQ the SQLAnyWherePlatform should be used. The known vendors in the properties file should be expanded to cover all supported databases with the correct platform.
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM]On Behalf Of Marina Vatkina
      Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 1:16 PM
      To: Lance J. Andersen
      Cc: Pramod Gopinath; Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM;
      Subject: Re: [Fwd: Proposed code changes to automatically detect databaseplatform]

      Adding back the alias.
      TopLink code uses a different platform in this case: SQLAnyWherePlatform.

      Tom, Gordon,

      Please comment.


      "Lance J. Andersen" wrote:

        Hi Pramod,
        Yes I will look this over. I had run CTS previously using ASA with PE 8 and was able to get CMP to pass.


        Pramod Gopinath wrote:

          Hi Lance
           Thanks for Ur comments. Yes it would be a great help if U could go over the changes in detail for us.
          The properties file is currently being proposed to be in the directory - entity-persistence/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/platform/database. By users are U thinking of end users of the product, in which case I guess we would have to change the location of the properties file.

          Mitesh : can U comment on the sql anywhere part and how that work currently in the 8.x codebase.


          Lance J. Andersen wrote:

            Hi Pramod,
            I am going to go through this in more detail, but your mapping file for example for Sybase probably needs expanded.

            The Sybase TDS protocol is also supported by SQL Anywhere, which can return various names depending on the version of the product. Same for Sybase IQ which is built on top of SQL Anywhere. Yes I know we do not directly test for example these specific backends, but they do work as as TSQL is for the most part compatible acrosss all Sybase Products.

            Where is the properties file going to reside and are we going to support users updating this file themselves?