Re: testPessimisticLockHintStartsTransaction fails on Derby

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:04:38 -0400

The readme has been updated.


Sahoo wrote:

> This test in entity-persistence-tests fails on Derby. It appears to be
> a known failure. Can the readme.txt be updated with known failures?
> Testcase: testPessimisticLockHintStartsTransaction took 0.001 sec
> Warning: DerbyPlatform does not currently support pessimistic locking
> junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Warning: DerbyPlatform does not
> currently
> support pessimistic locking
> at
> oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.tests.cmp3.advanced.EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite.testPessimisticLockHintStartsTransaction(
> at junit.extensions.TestDecorator.basicRun(
> at junit.extensions.TestSetup$1.protect(
> at
> Thanks,
> Sahoo