FYI: Problems running entity-persistence-tests against JavaDB in embedded mode

From: Markus Fuchs <Markus.Fuchs_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:04:45 -0700

There will be some failures when running entity-persistence-tests
against an embedded JavaDB instance. These errors are expected
and generated by the class


Issues have been filed against the embedded JavaDB driver.

1) testCreateWrapperTypes fails when binding a 'Short' value to
insert the test row into the database. The remaining tests using
this row fail for that reason:


This problem is filed as bug:

2) The tests


fail, because the embedded driver expects JDBC type BLOB/CLOB and
not LONGVARBINARY/LONGVARCHAR when binding a Null value
to the insert statement. Here, the behavior btw. the network- and the
embedded driver is inconsistent, as LONGVARBINARY/LONGVARCHAR
work perfectly fine in network mode. This problem is filed as bug:

Please let me know, if there are further questions. Thanks!

-- markus.