Re: Remove persistent object from collection: Best practice

From: Greg Ederer <>
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:20:38 -0800
Hi Marina,

Marina Vatkina wrote:
Hi Greg,

If this is the case, why would you need to remove items by a specific

Good question.  A shopping cart can have more than one item containing a particular offering.  I do this so that I can support behavior like, "Buy two cats at the regular price, get a third cat at half price."  To support this, (in a business class) I create 2 items.  The first item has 'cat' as the offering, and the quantity set to 2.  The second item has 'cat' as the offering, quantity 1, and a reference to a Discount object with a 'percent off' value of .50f.  The discount gets applied only to the second item.

I am anticipating that it will be common for a user to remove all of the items that contain a particular offering (decided we don't need any cats today).  So, I created a convenience method to handle this.  I also have methods for removing a particular item, and for updating the quantity of an item.

Does this make sense?



Greg Ederer wrote:
Hi Marina,

In my model, instances of Offering represent things that a Vendor offers for sale.  Product and Service directly subclass Offering and are, themselves, subclassed by classes representing more specialized kinds of products and services (e.g., Subscription, Garment, et cetera).

A ShoppingCartItem has an Offering (as well as a quantity, a unit price, a collection of Discounts, et cetera).

I suppose that I could establish a many-to-many relationship between Offering and ShoppingCartItem.  Does that strike you as being a good idea?

Would it be a many-to-one if item can have only one offering?

The solution most probably depends on the use case. If you don't the remove
quite often, the bulk delete might be a better solution (as long as it doesn't
intervene with the in-memory transaction processing as it happens directly
in the database, and won't affect the cache).




Marina Vatkina wrote:

Hi Greg,

Does it mean that there is no relationship from Offering to Item?
Is it worth adding (and maintaining so that they are always at sync)?


Greg Ederer wrote:


I have a method that removes a persistent object from a collection based on a property of the object being removed, like so:

   * Removes all ShoppingCartItems containing this
   * offering
  public void removeItem(Offering offering)
    List<ShoppingCartItem> iList = new ArrayList<ShoppingCartItem>(getItems());
    for(ShoppingCartItem i : iList)

Is this the best way to do this?



p.s.: I'm so glad I found this list.  I feel like I've been groping in the dark with JPA.  Thanks for all the help! --G

| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.379.1157
| | OpenDocument - OK <>


| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.379.1157
| | OpenDocument - OK <>

| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.379.1157
| OpenDocument - OK