- [Fwd: GlassFish Day at JavaOne 2007]
- adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- Another cascade question
- Cannot use TopLink essentials in Eclipse RCP Plugin application
- Cascade question
- Code review for [Issue 1365] DDL generation 'create-tables' doesn't add constraints in SE mode
- Code review for issue #1502
- Code review for issue 1072 - JAVA2DB error in relationships with a composite key
- Code review for Issue 1179 unique-constraint used in <table> element of mapping file throws exception on creation of the entity manager
- code review for issue 1388
- code review request for issue #353
- Commit Access for Wonseok Kim
- Composition, inheritance or queries: best practice
- Default column to current timestamp
- entity-persistence update
- entity-persistence-tests are failing
- Final review: adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- Fixing issue 1226
- Help? - Finalization testing (GF 1309)
- Implementation Strategy
- Issue 674 fixed?
- java.net Forums
- JoinColumn of relationship with subclasses which has joined strategy?
- JPQL: add error msg for invalid collection relationship navigation
- JPQL: create ReadAllQuery for simple SELECT queries
- JPQL: fix NPE for undefined identification variable in JOIN clause
- JPQL: fix unqualified field access in UPDATE/DELETE queries
- Misleading log output of entity-persistence-tests
- Not null OneToOne relation
- Please Grant Commit Access to Wonseok Kim
- Problem between MacOSX and Windows
- Problem between MacOSX and Windows (followup)
- Question about constructor expression in the Java Persistent query language
- Question: Relationship between TopLink and TopLink Essentials aka Glassfish persistence
- Reminder: adding server platform and session name change into logger integration
- Remove persistent object from collection: Best practice
- Seams to provide audited persistence?
- TABLE SEQUENCE already exists
- There are JPA questions waiting to be answered in GF forum
- This is a test - ignore
- TopLink and quoted database identifiers
- TopLink Essential and GlassFish V2 cluster awareness
- Toplink is using a sequence for Microsoft SQL Server?
- Trying to connect to Remote ession Bean from JSF backing bean
- Unidirectional OneToMany
- Unwanted unique constraint on join table
- Use multiple entitymanagers
- Want Fame? We need a Java Persistence Duke...
- Last message date: Thu Nov 16 09:12:24 2006
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:59:06 2017 PDT