Re: Want Fame? We need a Java Persistence Duke...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:46:04 -0800

I was thinking of collecting a few submissions and then asking the
community to vote.

re: name published along with the graphic.

I had been thinking more about trying to secure an iPod or something
like that. It seems that all our contests end up with an iPod. Maybe
we should make a deal with Apple or so :-)


Giving credit somewhere in the community page would be very fair. Is
that what you meant? Or do you mean actually in the graphic itself?

        - eduard/o

Markus KARG wrote:
> Eduardo,
> my wife graduated in Design at a German University. She makes her income
> as a professional Icons artist, also as a part time lecturer for
> Drawing. When I told her about your idea, she agreed to provide a draft
> of a "Persistence Duke". She will provide it as public domain, as long
> as her name is published along with the graphic.
> Where can we send the graphic and in what data format do you need it?
> She's using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, you .ai, .psd and .png are
> the favourites.
> Regards
> Markus
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> The Java Persistence API does not have a Duke. I have been meaning to
>> get one for a bit but, now that Duke has been OpenSourced at
>>, perhaps we can do this more easily through
>> the community.
>> Anybody wants to give it a try? I've used pickles and other preserved
>> artifacts in relevant blog entries at TheAquarium... but _you_ are the
>> artist.
>> The only caveat is that we need the art either via an SCA, or
>> explicitly as public domain.
>> Check the images and models at
>> We could vote on the best submission...
>> - eduard/o