Hi Antonio,
You can ignore this warning.
The code that executes jdbc statements doesn't parse the error to figure
out the exact details, and the code that produces those statements for
DDL generation doesn't check the database metadata, but creates every
statement it thinks is needed, which includes the SEQ_GEN table.
The code that drops the tables also just executes jdbc statements that
were created at the time the application was deployed, so it will report
back any SQLException (without parsing it for the details).
If you manually drop the table, you need to delete the "DELETE..." statement
from the corresponding .jdbc file and it won't be executed on re- or undeploy.
The warnings are there for you to review, and if you don't need to do anything,
just proceed with the execution.
Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a warning message that has been following me for weeks now and I
> would like to get rid of it. It's just a warning, so nothing major and
> the application works fine, it's just that I don't understand why I've
> got it and how to get rid of it.
> My application has a dozen of entity beans (@GeneratedValue(strategy =
> GenerationType.AUTO)) that are packaged in a .ear file with a few
> stateless and stateful beans. When I deploy my ear file (using asadmin
> deploy) I have the following warning :
> [exec] Command deploy executed successfully with following warning
> messages: WARNING:
> [exec] JDO76614: Deployment encountered SQL Exceptions:
> [exec] JDO76609: Got SQLException executing statement "CREATE
> PRIMARY KEY (SEQ_NAME))": org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException:
> Table/View *'SEQUENCE' already exists* in Schema 'DBUSER'.
> And if I manually delete the table SEQUENCE before deployment I have the
> oposite, it cannot delete the sequence
> [exec] Command deploy executed successfully with following warning
> messages: WARNING:
> [exec] JDO76614: Deployment encountered SQL Exceptions:
> [exec] JDO76609: Got SQLException executing statement "DELETE
> org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException : Table *'SEQUENCE' does not exist*.
> Does anybody know how not to have this warning (execept using
> --terse=true in the asadmin command ;o)
> Thanks,
> Antonio