2 fixes checked in
1. DB2Platform - added a missing method
2. Removed a test from EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite that exposed a Derby
weakness. Glassfish bug 1451 has been added to track this issue.
Tom Ware wrote:
>I have added a P2 bug for this issue. It is currently being investigated.
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1449
>If someone wants me to temporarily comment out the failing tests, let me
>Michael Bouschen wrote:
>>I can confirm 3 failures and 3 errors when running
>>entity-persistence-tests on derby. Attached you find a text file with
>>the output of the failing tests.
>>Please note, all the tests pass when running entity-persistence-tests on
>>a Oracle database!
>>Regards Michael
>>>Hi Tom, Marina,
>>>Could you check this? (3 Failures, 3 Errors)