Hi Wouter,
This seems like the problem discussed on the users_at_glassfish thread to
which I replied today:
Does it make sense? OneToMany side of the relationship defaults to
the fetch type LAZY.
P.S. For those of you who are interested in the previous emails on this
subject see
Mahesh.Kannan wrote:
> Hi Wouter,
> I have forwarded this to the Corba team. CCing persistence team also
> on this thread.
> --Mahesh
> Wouter van Reeven wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 03:18:52PM +0100, To
>> ejb_at_glassfish.dev.java.net wrote:
>>> OK when I only comment out the cultiUserCollection member etc in the
>>> CultiUserRole class but leave the userroleId member etc in CultiUser
>>> uncommented, everything still works. This is lucky, since I am only
>>> interested
>>> in what roles a user has, and not in what users have a certain role.
>>> It is still
>>> intriguing, however, why the cultiUserCollection mapping gives an error.
>> And when I add "fetch=FetchType.EAGER" to the cultiUserCollection
>> annotation
>> like this
>> @OneToMany(mappedBy = "userroleId", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
>> private Collection<CultiUser> cultiUserCollection;
>> everyting works fine. I assumed that the fetch type would only matter
>> when the
>> actual CultiUser was needed, but apparently it matters already when
>> fetching.
>> Thanks, Wouter